    why ddoes my brain stem throb

    why does my brain stem throb

    0  Views: 1918 Answers: 3 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: spasam medical

    Do you know where your brain stem is? More likely to be the upper part of your neck - or your cervical joints. How about asking the DR.

    Go see a chiropractor. I'm betting this is spine related. Doctors do not know what to do with the spine other than make things worse.

    yes Colleen - true in some respects - A chap wrote a tomb about the spine and said "never let anyone put a knive into your back". Chiropractors also cannot always solve the problem. There are other things.

    In my experience and having seen both a chiropractor and doctors along with many of my family members having done the same, chiropractors do better with backs than doctors do. Doctors give pills and rehab, chiropractors correct the issues. I know you love your doctors but I still think they are too quick to just write out a script.

    Far from it Colleen - I do not love my Doctors - I cannot begin to tell you what I think of some of them without using expletives. There is this huge book written by a Doctor about backs his name can't remember something like CHIRIAC. I have ankylosing spondylosis of my neck and bulging lower back discs and had some experience of this pain. Doctors can get the exact diagnosis first and foremost. For the neck a flat memory foam pillow with a ridged edge and a dip for the head helps a lot with neck pain especially after a night's sleep. Just one little help.

    " Doctors can get the exact diagnosis first and foremost."

    To this I disagree but as you know, we do not agree on medical treatments. I prefer holistic over medicine and chiropractors over doctors and doctors I only use if the law states only they can perform a procedure I may need. I would never just suffer because a doctor diagnosed and only offered treatments and pills which neither worked. I believe their is a cure for everything. Sometimes you just have to step outside the box. But that's just me. You have your own ways and your own beliefs.

    Colleen Doctors are a very sore subject for me just now. I never said to accept the treatment from Doctors I.E. pills etc. I have seen too much of this stuff but have known some pretty marvellous Doctors and Surgeons - rare nowadays - in the UK there are some pretty awful Doctors earning a great deal of money - the NHS here has become a business.

    3 Answers

    Why would someone look for a diagnosis on an on-line forum.  Even real DOCTORS could not give one without seeing you and conducting testing.  Go see a Dr. or if it is really bad, go to the accident room! 

    Sounds like some sort of spasm. We are not doctors here. How long has this been going on? Does aspirin help? Maybe you should see a real doctor.........

    Do you find that it occurs after you hold your head at a certain angle, such as reading at a table? Sometimes it's something simple like that. But, that is nothing to fool with, as it can also be something serious. If you can, you should see a doctor in the near future.

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