    Should Both Parties Come Together On A Budget That Cuts Wasteful Spending Without Gutting Investments In The Future?

    +5  Views: 1645 Answers: 5 Posted: 13 years ago
    Raider_retired 3_29_

    Thumbs up for you. Does my answer make sense? I hope it does at least a little.

    5 Answers

    Both parties share some responsibility with our economy. High speed rail, Infrastructure, Going Green, are these investments for our future? or keep on spending on waste that's taking our country into abyss.

    There is a lot of waste in government. Budget planners have this idea that if $20 million is available for a project that you should spend every nickel by November and ask of more before the beginning of the next year when their budget will be set higher. Planners bring in everyone they can put them into “essential” roles where they are rewarded for making their department bigger and so on. Thrift is a non-issue. More of everything is the only reality and anyone with enough is supervised. The thinking is make it all bigger and bigger than that. More, more, more.  This philosophy of spending in government sounds insane and is not applicable to my budget what so ever. Our government is very sick and is convinced that their way is the only way. If we allow them to continue they will bankrupt the world…then build it all back up again and do the same thing again and again. I asked God to intervene but was declined in favor of a natural remedy…failure.   


    God is never late, He is always on time. :-)

    If you have two parties fighting each other what good is that, less both come to an agreement,so than why not have one elected party. so if someone going to screw up we know who to blame.

    Does this make sense. In a relationship now days change our cars, change our food plus your location out side of citys to drop living cost.


    No. It is what it is. :-)

    Most definitely. Even in a relationship you must budget to pay your necessities put an agreed % into your investments towards your future. Then be frugal on what you spend the excess on. Same should be done in government except they spend it all and borrow from other countries so the can gain certain political benefits and spend government money in their state so they can get reelected whether the project is wise or not. WHY, b/c it is not their hard earned money and after politics they can get a high level multi-million $ jobs with one of the major companies that they side on while in office. GREED!!!


    Due to the threat of a government shutdown, both parties share some responsibility with our economy. High speed rail, Infrastructure, Going Green, are these investments for our future? or keep on spending on waste that's taking our country into abyss.

    I'm I making sense?

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