    the Questions i wrote what do weman want is not a joke and by the way my wife passed a way

    i have try to date again and i get told that i am to old or not there type so can you tell me what is it weman really want?

    +1  Views: 3673 Answers: 10 Posted: 11 years ago

    Woman Woman Woman Woman Women Women Women Women Women

    Start by respecting the female race by calling them Women or a woman, not weman! WE ARE NOT WE-MAN! Do not keep putting we and man together. Bad enough we are stuck with man in woman.

    I know this is not a typo because you used weman in your other question.

    Well for starters They are "Females! Do not force yourself on them that`s the impression I am getting bars clubs If sitting next to a woman she smiles "Don`t rush into your back pocket to check for a "Condom" just say hello ,if she talks back.Question How did you react to your meeting with your wife .Gentle talking .You are old enough to know I feel I am giving you the facts of life !!

    Where r U from? I'm watching Duck Dynasty and they don't even say weman! seriously though, I am sorry for your loss- I've been there and it is NOT easy- still isn't. With that being said, I think maybe, your just so used to the way your wife was, as opposed to how other woman are. Just give it time and don't try so hard. Keep your heart and mind open to the way other PEOPLE are, in their relationships or as single people. Most Woman,such as myself, are pretty easy to please. Ask us on dates, try courtship and some chivalry- if she's not high maintenance- it shouldn't be that hard- hang in there.

    10 Answers

    You had 7 answers to your last question, 5 of them were from women, extract what you think is good from them all.

    I'm a man, I don't have a clue about women!


    romos, I'm a woman, and sometimes even I don't understand women.

    More power to you Don.

    On your profile page, your birthdate indicates that you are 51 years old, yet you list your height, weight, eye color and hair color.  If you are asking to date women in your age group, why would they say that you're too old, and why do you think that they would be interested in (for example) the color of your eyes.  Isn't that a little superficial?

    It sounds to me, as though you are searching in the wrong places and the wrong age group.  Get involved in activities that interest you and become friends with women who are there.  They might be "too old" for you or not have the "right eye color" but you could discover someone who is intelligent enough to care about the important things in life! Women want "friends" not "chasers".  Relax.

    I am sorry to hear about your wife!  I think Women want to be good friends with a partner (this takes time).  I believe being funny, flexible, and truly nice and honest go a long way in a woman's "book".  In your situation it may be important to convey to women that you are looking for a new partner (not a replacement).  I do not know what age group you have been trying to date...but staying within 10 years of your age might help.  As far as visual/ sexual attraction- that is a very individual thing.  Be honest with yourself (first) as to what you really want...this can vary from a new soul mate to dinner and a roll in the hay.  Then be honest with the women (Women are looking for the two extremes and everything in between).  Oh, most mature women don't like games, double standards...and they hate lies!

    I'm probably not the person to answer this correctly because I am a one woman man.

    But.... I think most importantly let the woman you are dating be herself.Don't open EVERY door for her & don't CLING.

    LISTEN  to what she has to say & offer a valid opinion.

    Remember she is an individual & not just a potential extension of yourself.

    BTW.5'9' & 189lbs?  Lose a coupla pounds around the waist old mate.LOL.


    BTW Good luck!

    Tommy, maybe he ( accord ) was a one woman man too, till his wife died. That's why he needs your and our advice.

    Tommyh, a couple of pounds around the waist is ok, with some women,some one to cuddle up too.

    Can't relate. Just had my 43rd anniversary. Get a hobby that women also find interesting or a sport, golf, bowling, alligator wrestling, you get my drift?


    But how would that work if you went alligator wrestling and lost an arm to "ali" more more bowling! So much for your plans! :(
    ed shank

    Losing an arm to an aligator means your a loser, no body likes a loser. So much for a second date.

    Moderator bite and it's over! That can happen sometimes too, when you have just started your "dinner date".

    If possible, join some kind of a club where there are male/female members, get to know the people in general. and hope fully, there will be some nice female members, there also. One step at a time.. friends first.

    Try having fun when you go out, and see that you are doing something she might enjoy also. After you share having a good time together, if things come together in a good way, they do. If they don't come together, chalk it up to texperience, and try again with someone else.

    It might be easiest to stay within your age group, and focus on people with similar interests or hobbies, etc. I say this, as sometimes it's just easiest to focus on what you are doing and sharing, rather than getting yourself all nervous and uptight focussing directly on the person. This will allow things to move along more naturally.

    sorry to hear about by the way what woman want.we want a love and care.some one that we can share thought ideas views and plan in life.i want some body when im weak he be there for me.

    A woman wants the things money can't buy, to love and be loved


    SO WHAT IS TRUST AND WHAT IS JUSTICE? understanding and accepting what the other says and it creates a sense of being safe and wanted and it helps you to forecast a better brighter future. being fair and just and doing what is right and deserved. Justice is widespread....but in simple words that the offender is held responsible for his behavior.

    So at the end of it in a relationship there should be trust and justice, understanding and accepting and being fair and accepting responsibility for ones behavior.

    At the end of it all A WOMAN WANT TO LOVE AND BE LOVED!

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