    Do You Exercise, If So, How Often?

    +6  Views: 1470 Answers: 4 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: fitness
    Eddina Symns

    YES. At least a little bit every day.
    NO to gyms. Lots of physical work.
    And, if days with no physial work,
    I do a few exercises at home.
    I exercise my legs and arms while things
    are heating in the microwaver.
    Etc/ etc/

    Raider_retired 3_29_

    My answer is below. Heres a T.U. for you. any will help me b/c I am going to be in Mexico for next 6 days- roughing it. thanks

    4 Answers

    I try to exercise at least 6 days a week running, cross training,hand eye co-ordination exercises,treadmill,weights, use it or lose it.

    at least 3 times a week at the gym lifting weights.
    Trying to add an aerobic exercise here and there.


    Hey, Volcane - I use the weights, for "tone" not "muscles".


    I get my exercise by being the pall bearer for all my friends who think they have to jog and work out every day.

    I am like you Volcane- weights 3 times a week and cardio 3 times a week after my Wt. training- can only last 20 mins on Cardio though. Heres a T.U. for you. any will help me b/c I am going to be in Mexico for next 6 days- roughing it.

    Walking at brisk pace, deciplined, track based 10km's per week minimum.

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