    Do you have eye problems?

    Every dang day my eyes get worse. I see two where there should be one. It’s awful. I can’t look it up! I have a hard time typing -- I’ll manage. I will be calling an opthamologist tomorrow or Monday. I’m just wondering about you. Old? elderly? Whatever you call it, I am there. 

    +5  Views: 2179 Answers: 5 Posted: 11 years ago

    5 Answers

    I am as blind as a bat have been since I was a young child , there is hope an eye professional can help you out.. And there is hope you will see again :)


    "I once was blind but not I see eee eee” (Oh, I hope)

    PS You do what I always do. When you make a comment put your response under the words “comment this answer” I have been busted twice for this.
    Deleted User

    I have been in strife for it myself more then a few times, but sometime's I do not have the option to comment? :/ Technology eh :)))

    Oh I totally agree, technology sux! : D. I tell you,sometimes I put my response in the right place and all by itself it jumps to the wrong spot. If it was possible to blush on akaqa, I would do it.
    Things are even worse for me now that I’m honest and truly seeing double.
    I have given you two thumbs up totally purposefully. You helped out on a health-related question. You don’t seem like a person who is karma-mad, but just in case, I wanted you to know. : )
    Deleted User

    I believe in Karma :) maybe thats why I have a disability :) Punishment... :( ..

    I always have to control + so I can see the screen :))

    I have a disability too. Yup, maybe it's Karma. Somewhere at sometime I caused a piece of sky to fall.
    That is a truly wonderful dog, Regina. She looks like she'd have a good temperment. Is that so?
    Deleted User

    She was my childhood pet Muffin the English Cocker spaniel ... She was an awesome dog, I got her when I was 7 and she died when I was 21.. :) She is a beautiful dog I would reccomend anyone with a young child to start them off with a dog just like her :).. 20 years ago we lost her, but she is still buried in our heart :)

    gulp ... good dog. : ) good memories

    I use glasses for reading and  when I am on the Computer.I dont need them for driving  or chores around the house. I think everyone will need glasses as one gets older.  Once you get the right glasses you schould be fine.


    I will have to have eye surgery, I believe. I’m calling a responsible woman today and she will tell me who to go to. (I hope)

    Why eye sugery, when you can get stronger glasses

    Halos around lights at night and seeing double are not usually helped by stronger glasses. The also are not the end of the world. I have hope that glassses will help. I’m calling to find the name of an ophamologist not a surgeon. : )

    I am as blind as a bat have been since I was a young child , there is hope an eye professional can help you out.. And there is hope you will see again :)


    I’ve always been nearsighted. Really blind. This is something new.

    The print on my laptop is tiny and so are the avatars. I thought yours was a pumpkin but I looked up your profile just now. So cute.
    I will sing you a song a bit later. : ) I CAN make my print bigger by use of the keyboard, I usually don’t. I’ve had some real surprises!
    Deleted User

    control + that will increase size..

    My sight problem come from not keeping my glasses clean. I've worn them since age 12 but have learned to clean them properly and that's a pain in the a$$.............


    Could that idea come from a comment from a well-meaning relative?
    Yes, keeping glasses clean is a pain in the a$$ ... (Second time I've used that word in the last five minutes)

    My problem is I can't see in one eye and blind in the other, plus my spelling is no better, so you think you got problem? I'm only kidding, your Dr should be able to correct your vision.

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