    My Dad is dying

    My dad is back in the hospital he has congested heart failure and his lungs are completely covered in scar tissue and plaque and the Doctors have said they can do nothing so they recommend hospice for the said he has six months to live so my Mom and sisters talked to the hospice people on Tuesday so  please pray for me and my whole family My Dad died on 8-12-12 a few minutes before 5.00 A.M it was very peaceful




    +11  Views: 1783 Answers: 28 Posted: 11 years ago

    I will keep you updated my sister she has a computer from there Thank you guys:)

    28 Answers





    Thank you He least was here for Fathers day what is so hard now they are there at the hospital and I'm alone here alone waiting for the details

    I lost my father when he was only 69 - but age is only a number and no matter his age or yours he is always your dad and you his child. You are blessed to have the opportunity to say what you want to say to him and he to you. A wonderful support system at this time is so important. There are steps to walk through the journey of grief. Please don't try to skip any of them because it will only make it more difficult. Treasure the time you have left. Blessings to you and your dad and your family. My prayers and well gentle wishes are for you. Gentle Peace

    My thoughts are with you and yours at this difficult time.


    Thank you:)

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hospice is a great group and will help all your family! Blessings to you!

    I went through this with my grandfather. He lived with me for the last 5 years of his life. He died at home where he wanted to be. Hospice came by every morning to check on him. My strength during this time came from being with him and taking care of him. My focus was making the last of his days all about him, his needs and comfort. I wanted him to be better and the only way that could happen was for me to let him go to where he would be better and love him enough to not want to selfishly keep him with me. There's no way to make losing a loved one easier except to love them and give them exactly what they need. Be with your dad as much as you can. Do not give yourself reason to regret missing a minute with him if you have that minute to give. Do not regret minutes missed because your life and needs are important too. He will  want you to take care of yourself and your life's needs to. For the family, be there for each other for it's in the giving that you will receive the strength you need to endure this. All my best to you and yours and most especially your dad. 


    Thank you my Mom called a few minutes ago there moving him to my sisters and me and Mom will be there with him I hope I can help them both he is 76

    There are many things you will be able to do to help. You will not as routines are set up. If he likes stories, reading to him would be a great thing.

    Try to be with him as much as possible.  He really needs you now.

    Be strong and God Bless, whovin.


    I will I have cried some allready thank you:)

    My heart goes with you and your family, he is with good compassionate and professional  people, but I doubt that's much solace at the moment, my thoughts are with you, please keep us posted,xx


    I will and Thank you:)

    Thinking of you and your family with love and prayers,. Be strong.


    Thank you ANN:)

    I am sorry whovin.  This is a difficult time but please know that the hospice people can help him and also you and your family, to get through this more comfortably.  Take all the help that they offer.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.


    Thank you:)

    My prayers go out to you and all your family at such a tough time , be strong your dad loves you..


    Thank you:)

    Sorry to hear the sad news whovin, you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.God Bless.


    Thank you:)

    im sorry to hear of this whovin. i will keep you and your family in my prayers.


    Thank you :)

    My heart goes out to you at this difficult time, Whovin.

    We are all thinking of you and your family.



    Thank you and for the real nice picture:)

    My heart goes out to you and your family..I shall be thinking of you ..and sending you lots of heartfelt love...Xxxmillie


    Thank you:)

    My heartfelt sympathy to you and your family, whovin.  I hope your dad can be comfortable and as pain-free as possible during his hospice, and that you and your family spend as much time with him as possible, sharing happier times.  Prayers for all.


    My sister she moving my Dad me and mom in with here they are setting up a hospital bed in there living room and a twin for her a twin bed and a twin bed in thetre dining room it is hard to be losing a friend thank you:)

    I will be a bit crowded, but with the family together, you can make it easier for each other emotionally. Your mom needs you as much or more than your dad. Take good care of her, and I know you have your own health problems.

    I will pray that I can keep my thoughts organized and memory that I can be there more FOR I am a bit of a loner like my grandpa butI still love them beyond words

    I know the feeling, am similar.

    I'm sorry to hear the sad news about your dad, whovin. Whole faith and remember.........



    Thank you:) and the flowers are very nice:)

    Thinking of you, God bless you and your family.


    Thank you:)

    I wish the best in this bad time. This is the time to be strong and confident in knowing that this is a part of life and is the plan for all of us and great love and knowledge awaits us all.


    Thank you:)

    Lost my step-father recently. We all lose a special person in our life at one point. We grieve and wish that we had spent more time together. We regret not having said how we felt towards them and how much they really meant to us and the positive impact they've had on our lives. Your dad is still with you, make time for the two of you, see him often. Hold his hand and tell him you love him and all the other things that were never said prior to his illness. You still have time to do this, do it now, as many of us never had that opportunity.

    I wish you and your family well and may the good memories outweigh your grief.


    Thank you: my sister she going to move us in with her they are going to set up a hostpital bed in there living room and a twin bed for mom and twin bed in there dining room for me it hard to lose a friend for is that what he is
    ed shank

    Whovin, I commend you and your families efforts. Bless you all.

    I don't have the right words, who does? Know they are in my heart though and God bless YOU with what you are going through. God bless your dad...........


    Thank you:)

    whovin my heart and my love go out to you and your family...keep your beautiful sense of humour intact because you are going to need to pull it out for all to rest upon...humour can be a rock...use it as one friend....Peace and Love...blessings too.   


    Thank you:)

    Here's a up date on Dad they signed the official hospice forms and moved him down to the hospice wing until every thing  is ready for him to go my sisters  home he is very nervous with out us not being with him I do not blame him I hate hospitals to

    I’ve come to know you through your art on akaqa. I have a lump in my throat and feel such sadness for you. I know you have a difficult road ahead of you. I know you will come out of it. I know your dad will be safe.
    I am thinking of you and I wish the best for you.
    Hospice helped me when my mom died. The people who work there are caring and kind............... 





    Thank you:) I googled hospice to understand what they do it helped a little my Dad is my friend to!

    The people at Hospice always have time for questions and tears. I just can’t say enough for the volunteers, the nurses, and the doctors. Their goal is to keep their patients comfortable.

    Hello guys my Dad I and mom are at my sisters he  has settled in nicely the hospice nurse has been here a few times all ready that all so far


    Good to hear, my thoughts are always there.

    Thank you ROMOS:)

    I am glad you popped in to let us know, Whovin. Take care of yourself, too.

    you're welcome Ann:)

    How are things with you, Whovin?

    Sad news really .


    Thank you:)

    he may die but dont be to sad becuse you can see hem when you die if you go to heven plus he will all was be with you in your heart inchallha he will go to paradise




    Thank you:)

    Here a update on my Dad his lungs are giving just enough oxygen for his heart and brain and kidneys he at times he don't know were he is and he is having hallucinations and the hospice nurse told us it is just a few days for he hardly eats at all pray that he has peace and lucid moments so we can talk together so please keep on praying for us:) My Dad Died on  8-12-12""


    Your candles are so beautiful. I watch them and think of you & your dad and Mom. God is there with you ... and angels. Close & Safe.
    “Somewhere in the darkest night a candle glows.” From I Believe.

    Candles are very symbolic of the word of God" I am the light of the world" Sending love and prayers your way, your dad and your family.

    Candles are very symbolic of the word of God" I am the light of the world" Sending love and prayers your way, your dad and your family. Oops!

    Tell him we all send love and happiness to you all for this journey! Peace be. Love..LL

    You and your Dad are in our thoughts and prayers. Love to you both and may this time be peaceful for you. Take care.

    Thank you guys (((HUGS))):)

    Miracles do happen. I wish your father gets well. I am glad to know that your whole family is around him at this difficult time. May God give you the courage and bless you all.

    My Dad is  doing ok there are no more copays for his medications  which is a really big help for they  where costly the nurse aid shall be coming 3 times a week to help my Mom   with bathing him and the nurse she helping organiize  Ihope I wrote this right I am using a laptop I can hardly see the the screen keep praying for us all  whovin:)



    We will, Whovin. Take care. :) (((Hugs)))

    Thank you:) (((Hugs)) back:)

    This is a difficult time for you and your mom. Can you use more hugs? (((Whovin))) Tell your mom you have a whole bunch of people from all over the world who are praying and wishing good thoughts for you & her. And others who sorrow.

    Thank you Itsmee:) I shall do that(for her(Hugs))))

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