    Lately my boyfriend is calling and texting me less and less. The past two dayshe has virtually not communicated with me at all. Yeaterdayhe did- only in response to texts from mebutit took a long time. Today no communication at all. I know he has been really busy at work lately but he was before too and he texted me at ast once a day if notmore and sometimes called too. and he would at leastcall me at night before bed. Lately tecalls and texts have dwindled down to almost nothing. We have been t

    0  Views: 3728 Answers: 8 Posted: 12 years ago

    8 Answers

    It's Friday night and you are alone.  That tells you something (well, it tells ME something).  I suggest you pick up a copy of the book, "He's Just Not That Into You" ASAP.  It is an easy read, even if it is not easy to acknowledge what you read.  PLEASE do this in the morning.  And please don't text him again, or call.

    For someone that has dropped off considerably tells me he has lost interest in you, i know you don't want to hear that but maybe it is time to move on.However don't let him off the hook that easy, he owes you an explanation as to why he is being standoffish.

    Why not meet him and have an eyeball to eyeball conversation with him? So many people today seem to live their lives on a tiny screen on a portable device rather than by actual social contact.

    Sounds like your sonar radar detector is tingling....perhaps it's time....



    ...this bird has flown...

    that's a beautiful picture. Looks like something from Karate Kid.

    It really does too! I love that movie..must have seen it half a dozen times with my girls. The photo is from google...'freedom'!

    This is the umteenth time you've written about this guy. Get over him already and move on......

    This may sound silly but have you actually MET with this guy before? I mean "in person".


    Huh? Why would she do that?

    YOU know, going that extra "step" by living dangerously.

    He's trying to wean you off of him.......  in other words, he's trying to phase you out.

    COLLEEN. will probably have the answer to this one. Wait for her call.


    She already knows my answer. She needs to sort herself out. Just check all her questions.

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