    Bad news, I have COPD, enphazima,ultra high blood pressure, high anxiety,deppresion......

    .....artharitis, bursitus, am taking 17 different meds for my conditions. Thats not the biggest problem, I am now cut off  my medical insurence without notice. I had medicaid, now......nothing, no meds, I was on some meds that actualy KEEP me alive, I appealed their decision now they say it could be months until its reveiwed. Meanwhile, my pharmasist says i'll be at a very high risk of stroke or worse. dont know what i'm to do.....PLEASE, will someone just say a prayer for me as I really don't want to stroke out or die. I'm scared, then my anxiety isnt helping matters.You are my only true friends!  Am i wrong for asking for a prayer? If so, i'm sorry. God bless all of you......Wonderer

    +13  Views: 1691 Answers: 30 Posted: 12 years ago

    30 Answers

    Talk to your doctor about your financial situation. Doctor's typically have free samples. See if he can give you even a months worth of the free samples. Also contact the drug manufactures of the meds you are on, explain your situation. A lot of them will send you meds at a very discounted rate or free.  There is a discount card for medication to get it at up to 75% off on 54,000 different drugs at 64,000 different major pharmacies.The card is free and you do not need to join anything. I have one and have used it without a problem.  Just show it to your pharmacy. Go here or call them at (877) 513 1935

    I wish you luck in getting the help you need and am sending positive thoughts and healing energies. Take care of yourself the best you can. Eat lots of raw garlic for the blood pressure! 



    Wonderer- it is never wrong to ask for prayers! I will send prayers for you! and I'm sorry you are going thru all of this!



    Of course! Thank you for sharing this with us!

    @Doolittle....I just don't know what to do,thankyou so much

    Churches sometimes have emergency funds..perhaps that will help also contact social services they should be able to help (maybe fet you temp. medical care, foodstamps..etc) I know it must be uncomfortable approaching people for help but many will is a very scarry situation!

    Next week, that,s a promise. R.

    Here in New Mexico you can get those meds for 7.00 per prescription . The Copd meds are about 48.00 per refill . Wal mart has a program for this situation some stuff is 4.00 per refill . No use worrying about what you cant change Anixety . Deal with one thing at a time first high blood pressure on line research natural cures for high blood pressure  .Dr Weil has good books out  used book stores are a good place to find these . Look for a book called "Green Pharmacy"  If you have a hastings you can sit and read this for hours and not buy take notes .Be sure you are taking the low dose baby aspirin 81mg . Meditation and deep breathing helps with the copd . The purpose of all my words is to hedge your bet . While natural remedies are not as good as pills they will lower the risk of big problems a little . Thats all that can be hoped for now so its homework time for you . Look at www.a2zhealthbeautyandfitness  strange name but worth a trip . I will verify this as soon as I post to be sure I gave good info .       Bill


    thankyou Bill

    I'm so sorry Wonderer, and don't worry, you'll be better. God Bless you. Just think of us! :)



    Sorry to hear of your ill health wonderer, i hope there are healthy and happy days ahead for you.God Bless.



    You got my prayers as well as my community's church, indeed their is great power in prayer, never be ashamed to ask..daren



    Hey Wonderer, I'll definitely say a prayer for you.  This is the appropriate time to collectively pray for you.  In the mean time, seek out your state representative, mayor, congressman, anybody, to look into this matter for you.  Also, exercise a little bit but mostly stay away from sweet stuff and salty foods.  Try not to stress.  God bless you, pal.  You can do it.



    Follow Colleen advice and don't loose hope. Wish you the best.



    Yes, I agree to follow Colleen's advice. You are in my thoughts & prayers starting this minute. Doctors have given me samples of anti-depressants before. Don't be afraid to ask. Never feel bad or guilty for asking for prayer! or help.

    Want to come out for a pint in Scotland mate?

    I,m sure I could make you feel better!

    Energy flowing to you now.



    prayers to u too! Pls. let me know how u r as soon as pos!

    thankyou, Romos

    I will pray for you. BTW......COPD is emphysema. It stands for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It's almost always caused by smoking, or by being around a smoker(s) for years.


    Try walking or swimming, and a lot of your probs will get better. And puh-leeze quit smoking if you haven't already. And if you drink too much.....quit.


    wonderer, what a mess, is your pharmacist able to suggest a generic/no name or over the counter medication that may help until this can be sorted?as bluesman and Colleen have mentioned there are short term options, I do empathsize with you and hope things are worked out quickly



    Perhaps within it all, there is a blessing in disguise. Seventeen different medications sounds like an awful lot of medication being put into your body. What are the side-effects of some of these? The side-effects of some of these medications are often worse than what they're supposed to be helping with.

    I have COPD, emphysema, high blood pressure, a partial heart blockage, arthritis, and a bad hip...and on average, I only take 4-6 basic medications. No two people are the same, but it almost sounds as though they were loading you up with a questionable amount of medications.

    Are you a veteran? Sometimes the V.A. will be of help, especially if the circumstances are where you are in dire need. I will pray for you.


    I also don't understand how a doctor can be handing out so many meds to one person...that just doesn't make sense to me.

    I sure hope that wonderer can learn something from what you have said. It sure seems that 17 different kinds if meds would play tug-a-war rather than help.

    no, i'm not a vetran,but thankyou

    You have my prayer  hard to  understand in a society  that  does this to  its people  .  and people are complaining about being forced to have insurance ,  I mean   something is better than nothing.



    Correction its in goggle search bar .     Bill



    Prayers to you wonderer.  Don't know what else to say...lots of good advice here.



    What is going on This sounds barfy!!


    I wouldNEVER joke of my poor health


    Barfy As in throw up disgusted with the system! Not being funny!!

    Thanks for clarifying clu. I never knew you to be negative about a member's post here ;)

    I'm so upset and worried I want to barf because going cold turkey without my meds is going to mess me up physicaly and mentaly

    How could this happen? I don't understand how you could be kicked off medicaid! Have you asked your drug store to help you? Ask a community center near you to help! Just yell your head off until you get some help!

    Hi, you may need to change your diet. My husband always has very high blood pressure and takes two tablets  every day.  A naturapath told him to change his diet to lots of fuits and to only eat salads with meat or chicken. After three weeks, his blood pressure went down, down , down and it stayed that way so long as he stuck to that kind of diet. Now he is no longer on that diet and his blood pressure is up, up, up and up.


    thankyou,I will,

    The type of fruits are the brightly coloured ones, water melon, papaya, pineapple, rockmelon, anything that's brightly coloured. Dark leafy greens are good too. Fresh salmon, not tinned is good. You don't really need to eat a lot. Give up normal potatoes, eat sweet potatoes, the orange one.

    What is a rockmelon.....?

    A rockmelon is a cantaloupe.

    That's good to know, Egg. And my girl friend, Linda just lost a lot of weight that way.

    I think there is a lot of us on here that have health problems  .  


    My prayers are with all of you, also

    Yup ....b/c a lot of us here are over 50, over 60, and a few over 70 and 80.

    And a lot of this can be taken over via mind over matter, power of positive thinking. Watch your diet and don't drink milk, it creates mucus. Anxiety can be treated cheaply, high blood pressure is the push away dietl; push yourself away from the plate and the salt shaker .Pushing away is good healthy exercise. Luck up breathing therapies. There are a lot of options out here to help you 'til you find your was back to the meds. And a way will come.  I take 13 meds a day and a lot of it is making deals with my doctor.....

    I wish I had the words that would make this all better, all I can do is promise you my thoughts and prayers...






    I agree with Shoota. Seventeen different medication will make you sicker than you are. Every medication has sideaffects and all those combined are never going to make you feel better.

    I wonder why medicaid dropped you. I would think that this is against the law not to provide necessay care and medication to an indibvitual as sick as you. Do you also need oxygen?

    Call your Visiting Nurses Asso. They Can advise and help you.

    Like Colleen said, call the manufacturer of the medications that you absolutely need . They are known to supply those medications free of charge and ask your Dr. for free samples.

    This would never happen in any other country . We are a country without pity.

    I will say a prayer and hope you get the help you need.. Try not to get so stressed out, it will only make things worst.



    Hit your local welfare office. Tell them you don't work, you live with your ex because you can't afford rent. Tell them you own nothing. I never heard of anyone on welfare being denied anything to do with health, food, or shelter. If your in the US, you can show your appreciation to Obama by sending him a birthday card.



    Where are you in the world ?   Bill


    MIchigan, USA

    Sure hope things look up for you soon wonderer,a lot of good answers and good people here,take care of your self.



    Don't give up hope.  There is power in prayer.


    Thankyou,I won't give up hope

    I'm not even going to read and vote up the other answers, which I already know are completely supportive and sympathetic to your situation, wonderer. 
    You have my total support and prayers. I'm just in shock that your medical assistance is cut off with no notice whatsoever, though I'm not surprised at anything inhumane anymore.
    If there is a senior center in your city or town, please get hold of them because they generally have someone available who can advocate for you.  
    You need to check in with someone every day, or have someone call you.  If you want me to be that person, let me know.   


    I'm 50 yrs old,not old enough for medicare,i am appealing the decision on medicaid which i've had for about 6-8 yrs now,hopefuly they'll rule in my favor.I went to the health dept. today and they were accepting apps for "plan B",hopefully I'll get to receive my meds ASAP from a different Doctor as I will run out of current meds on the 8th of march....thankyou for your concern.Thank all of you who read this, also.Today I'm a bit less stressed, again thankyou......Wonderer

    I will definitely be praying for you wonderer! When you go to the pharmacy ask them for applications for free prescriptions from the manufacturers. They have forms that you can fill out to get free scrips. Hope this helps, there may even be an online application you can find.

    Also you may want to get a new doctor, 17 prescriptions may be to much. You may be getting to many side effects from the medication. Look into eating healthier and some homeopathic remedies as well. God bless.


    thankyou, i will.

    Good advice here, God bless


    the best! And I will take all of the advice from everyone, thankyou....

    My thoughts and best wishes go with you "Dear Friend like your comments as well.


    thankyou, dowsa

    .....blah blah blah.....



    Uncalled for, unkind ,inconsiderate ,rude ,callus ,indifferent ,shameful ,Republican ,childish ,shame on you!!!

    This is the second time you've posted something unfriendly in 2 days CHAIN. You do not want to go for a third one. I will leave this one as a member has moderated you and I agree with him, this is uncalled for. If you have nothing kind to say to a person, especially a well established one here on this HELP forum, then say nothing at all.

    I thought you were on your way out for political debate. NOW would be an excellent time to make good on that.
    ed shank

    A very FU comment. Keep it to yourself next time.

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