    Do you think we will ever see an alien from outer space on this site?

    +6  Views: 1969 Answers: 13 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: space

    Hey eggy, where do you come from?

    "SHES a PLANT!! Chain

    "SHES a PLANT!! Chain

    13 Answers

    We can't even see each other let alone another life form..................


    You would not like to either I have tried the "Computer replys "ABORT!!I don't have Mirrors at home .My "Wife makes me walk in town with a "BAG" over my "head!!

    I believe some have been on this site  quite frequenly.


    Talking about me again ANN.

    I don't think we'll ever SEE one, however, I do beleive we've comunicated with plenty of them........!!!


    Could be, could be.

    I don't think we will


    I kinda agree with you, we are a scary bunch- no alien in its right mind would come here, we'd eat em alive! they know that!

    I'm waiting... hopefully the alien posts a blog with photos.  Coolio!

    "" Does this face look unalien/earthly to you?

    I don't want any more Aliens, we have too many as it is..

    Sorry cant send a "Photo the "Camera!! keeps breaking I am one So I have been told..

    I really need to phone home.

    If there is another galaxy we can see.I thing in our galaxy there is only life in earth.

    If there are Alien on this site! what would they tell us that we don't already know? A mystery maybe something out of this world? If your out there listen to us why don't you show us how we can make an anti gravity vehicle, so we don't need to burn all our gas.And while your at it tell all the fat people how to loose some weight

    Yeah, i talk to one on this site quite regularly. she resides in New South Wales, i wonder who she could be? lol.

    Where's my previous answer?

    Please don't tell me that has been stolen by aliens as well!


    I've seen plenty of UFOs and no, I'm not an alien to this world.

    Somebody is out there stealing my answers, and I know this.
    CAUSE it's not there from YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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