
    I miss you all and greatly miss the Q&A forum....I am ill and I am an agnostic so please, would you all pray for me, for those of you who do pray....thanks much....(:

    +13  Views: 2241 Answers: 45 Posted: 12 years ago

    Hey all, I spoke to Hipster today and she really is not well. As some of you know she has been battling cancer for a while. Please, lots of positive energy needed. As many times as you can put it out there.

    Ole Hipster I will be praying for you and miss you greatly too I am here if you need me .......


    I wish I had an update for you all. Jeanie was suppose to call me yesterday but she never did. I'll wait another day and then try to call her. She was mighty sick when I spoke to her so she may just not be up to talking right now. Keep the energy coming!

    45 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    I am very sorry to hear this OleHip.... Wishing you a speedy recovery.  Back to old form asap.

    You have been missed.

    xo Fishy

    Sorry to hear that ole hipster.  I hope that you get well soon...very soon!

    Missed you ole hipster. God is there for everyone, wether you believe in him or not. He knows all your struggles and he loves you. I will pray for you. Love and prayers, Ann


    TU was uncooperative !

    Hi Jeanie - Does not matter if you are an agnostic or an atheist or a muslim or a taoist or a pagan. We are here and we are love and we send you our love and create healing vibrations to surround you and make you whole. Our thoughts are with you. Bright Blessings.

    Hello my friend i was wondering about you ,i sincerely wish you strength and a positive recovery.Take care,we miss you very much.

     Hi from Ireland, ole hipster, my love and prayers are with you, especially in your hours of need. God Bless You. always.


    My prayers are generally brief before I hit the rack. Tonight the Big Guy gets the long version with a special request that you pull through this bad time knowing we all care deeply in our hearts for a swift and permanent recovery.

    Will pray that you can talk to God and receive his healing.

    Ole hipster my wife was told to adopt a positive attiude to the BIG C by the following means and I pass these on with heartfelt hope that they work. My wife just had her 12mthly check and all OK at present.

    Here is the deal--- Every morning look at yourself in the mirror and say out loud "Piss off cancer< I do not want you in my body so bugger off" Say it with conviction and meaning and if you are so inclined use the "F" word .

    Next every time you drink water, coffee, tea what ever say "Drown you bastard drown"

    Again with conviction.

     You will feel like a right git the first few times but you will benefit long term.

    Hell what have you got to lose?


    Positive mental attitude can do wonders.

    Get Well soon "ole hipster"
    I will pray for you.

    people lover I know this does work you have to hate it not give it smypathay thank you for sharing that love as always melxxxx

    Hey all, I spoke to Hipster today and she really is not well. Please,  lots of positive energy needed. As many times as you can put it out there.  




    I'm sending all of my energies and positive thoughts your way.  I wish you strength and courage......


    You are back! Hi! We missed you! xo Fish

     Candle Ole hipster I am so sorry to hear this I will send you lots of energy and prey for you....

    you must listen to what Peoplelover said have loads of PMA and fight that B.....d and keep telling you hate it I will be thinking of you often take sweetheart xxxxx 


    ""Sorry to hear you are not well ole hipster. My mother had cancer and beat it. Maybe you can too. There is a new treatment called 'Proton or Protein'. A person  we know of in the US was cured of terminal cancer of the oesophagus. But you need health cover for it.


    eggplant, could you find out more about this, I would be sincerly grateful

    I'll ask my daughter-in-law.

    Greetings from your verticly challenged nephew...


    Is ole hipster really your Aunt darren1?

    no just kidding..

    You are in my thoughts and prayers! Please get well We need you!

    A prayer:

    God show mercy on this ole hipster that she may grow to know you better an receive your healing, we pray that you give her years here with us that she may tell of your healing and grace and forgiveness.

    love, Randy


    Wishing you positive energy for good health and a speedy recovery!

    Thinking of you "ole hipster",feel better soon,we all love you...Rick.

    Bless you ole hipster.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.  Sincerely, yvonne57

    i think of you and pray and cry with you...........

    ole hipster - I know nothing of your illness - those here have filled you with feelings that they are always near and extended their prays for you. I too will say a pray  that you will be well again be pain free and positive from London.

    I have been so worried about you! Call me!

    Hipster, from one agnostic to another, I wish for you the strength of positive thinking and absolute conviction of overcoming your health issues.

    There are countless examples of inexplicable recoveries. Why should you not be one of them ?

    YOU WILL !




    Hello digger - I think people believe agnostics do not pray - I am an agnostic.

    Who do you pray to?

    digger - Thank you for asking me this - such a good question. The way I see it is although I say I am agnostic - i.e. I haven't subscribed to any particle religion which I feel in the final analysis has served me well - I am by definition not sure - just believe there is something or someone/s out there in this infinite universe.

    will do.  God bless you!

    Lots of love and blessing! Praying you find strength and healing.

    With love,


    Consider it done, OH.  You are loved.

    G'day Ole Hipster, sorry to here you are unwell,think positive vibes i'm sure they will help, plus all the positive vibes from all the members, my thoughts are with you, Bullet.

    Ole hipster get into your fighting spirit we send our love speedy recovery from Scotland .

    my love and thoughts are with you xx

    I have tears in my eyes reading all these beautiful people loving somewhat a stranger. All over the world from all corners you have people focussing on healing , love and light, what a beautiful thing. I am sad to hear you're struggling right now, I had no idea. Now days the word "survivor" strikes the mind much more than not when it comes to cancer. It's easy for us to tell you to keep a positive attitude as we aren't in your shoes, but in saying that I have to share my dad's(my Hero) story. Fifteen years ago my dad was stuck with lymphoma nonhodgkins cancer. He was faced with months of chemo therapy and sickness. There was no real cure for this , just hope that it would help slow the process.He was soon struck with bone ache that left him feeling like evey bone in his body was being twisted and broken. He was always an avid bike rider and loved the freedom of being on his bike. One morning he got up and dressed and decided this wasn't going to be how his story  was going to be played anymore. He took the bike out and rode it down the driveway and to the end of the block at first. Each time he rode he went a little further until he was riding it for miles again and found most of the side effects of the chemo were subsiding. He had a strong attitude and a love for life that shone from his heart. To this day he still has cancer, so they say, but he is still a strong positive survivor. Now faced with recovering from a stroke, I see the same determination to get back on his bike. He walked for two and a half blocks the other day and twiddled his fingers on the left hand after being told he would never regain use of his left hand by the therapists. He leans on love and God for strength so I am glad to see your leaning on love from all of us and leaning on God through our prayers.I don't know you but I sense a strong woman with a love for life and strong determination. You will be in my thoughts and prayers for as long as it takes. Love and light surrounds you from all over the world, you are already blessed beyond belief.


    beautiful :)

    There is so MUCH LOVE ON THIS SITE......THATS "GREAT"!!!! :- >

    luv u mom....and u always seemed so kind and nice.

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