    what does the word prearrange mean?

    +1  Views: 2155 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: school

    5 Answers

    ....arrange or agree upon in advance 

    It means to arrange something beforehand . - - - my mom pre -arranged her funeral it wouldn't be a burden on my brother and me.

    The word pre means before,so it means to arrange something before the event..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<..

    something was planned out before you got there. in some cases who you are going to marry, planned by your family, before you even meet the person. I worked with a girl on an assembly line and she told me her parents were picking her a husband and she hope they get a man that is handsome. I said, you don't mind not meeting him ahead of time. she said no, that it was her culture, prearranged marriages.  something prearranged can save you time and money, not to mention worrying about not doing everything right. it's all arranged for you.


    my late husband worked with an Asian-Indian girl who said her mom arranged 3 or 4 potential husbands for her to pick from . So she went back to India and picked one out.Then they came back to the states. I met him and he's handsome , rich, and taller than most Indian men. She's happy with him and they have kids.

    Arrange beforehand

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