    I know sometimes we offend one another or have a heated debate, but once that's over can we be respectful of one another?

    None of us agree on everything, some of us agree most of the time, but when it's all said and done do we hold grudges, or do we agree to disagree.

    Through some of the most heated debates I have made some good on-line friends, though we many not agree with each other on all the issues, and we may take jabs at one another, in the end I think we learn to respect each other.

    Some of the best discussions on this site are at one point or another, heated arguments. I think that's what makes aka so interesting....

    Spaceghost, this is for you.

    +7  Views: 1989 Answers: 9 Posted: 13 years ago

    I've just seen it so many times on this site, where people are arch enemies and chase each other from question to question, harassing one another. Correct, it doesn't have to be a heated debate, but I have seen quite a few, with people hurling sarcasm and insults at one another.

    9 Answers

    tu to you for bring this to light! variety is the spice of life!we cant all be peeper or oregano.salt adds flavor to everything. thats why i employ everyone to keep the "salt shakers" full. yes we must respect each other as well as their opinions. end of the day its still a forum for discussion, stupid and serious. if the heats to hot get out of the kitchen. dont let the sun go down on you anger,bitterness breeds without any thought of who we hurt, but in reality we end up hurting ourselfs for not forgiving!



    "end of the day its still a forum for discussion, stupid and serious"

    From akaQA FAQ's: What should I avoid in my answers?

    akaQA: also known as Questions & Answers Forum is a question and answer site - it is not a discussion group. Please avoid holding debates in your answers as they tend to dilute the essense of questions and answers. For the brief discussions please use commenting facility.



    @ sammy "u having a laugh" You know I was, lol

    "<a href="/users/975/colleen/">@colleen</a> I left a remark up top, mentioning one thing you commented on."

    Which was??



    I'm doing most excellent, thank you : ) Hope all is well with you too!



    I don't watch TV (except to maybe catch the news coverage of a major event or the weather) so the hint doesn't help, lol Glad you had fun though and met cool people. Were you behind the scenes or visible? Will it be worth me turning my TV on to maybe catch a glimpse of you?



    Cool, let me know also what to look at or for while I'm watching the show.


    i'd love to watch you on a reality show leeroy, give us a bit of a more hint :]


    Thanks bro, appreciate you interesting and supportive comments. I like your style, got some wisdom going for you.


    <a href="/users/975/colleen/">@colleen</a> I left a remark up top, mentioning one thing you commented on.


    Sorry, wrong person. Hope you are doing good!!!


    Yes, really good lately, got to work on a reality t.v. set, can't mention which one, but met a lot of cool people. It airs on VH1 hint, hint. Thanks.


    Nah, I was just a artistic consultant,so to speak. But if when it comes on t.v. I'll let you know when to check out the set.


    that aint never gonna happen on here colleen,not having a heated debate lol, u having a laugh.

    I don't get mad at anyone or hold a grudge with anyone. I just feel sorry for someone that don't agree with me


    Wrong again Randy!!! Lol


    I do admire their passion, but at times, some of them have to tone it down.


    Yeah, that's funny isn't it not one of us here agrees a hundred percent of the time, being like minded in Christ, you would think that It would be more often, but I've seen some Christians on here that are just way out there sometimes.

    I can be friendly with anybody.. It is pretty hard to hurt my feelings. I most often think arguments (personal) are cute in a sad kinda way.. But I dont fight. Life is too short to be angry.


    Amen to that sister.

    I think if it comes to a dispute of some sorts,both have your say and move on it can make other members uneasy and some can get in on it and further the argument.No need to hold grudges,after all wer'e all in this together so lets make it work and keep it pleasant.

    I remember now what spaceghost might be upset about, when he voted me down on the,"Where's doublehelix question," I responded in retaliation with a thumbs down to him. I took it back about 5 minutes later though, I mentioned that someone had a duplicate question on the,"Will we miss Raider question." It took me a while to research and remember what he was talking about.

    I took his down vote personally, I had already apologized to him twice, but let me do it now that I know what he was mad about, S.G. I am sorry for taking things personally, I hope you can forgive me.

    I still don't know what triggered your down vote, I don't know how I can be making racist comments when I am a minority? I don't remember calling anyone names? It could have just been a joke, I am known for popping out off the wall jokes now and then. Anyway that's all I can speculate about, hope I have cleared the air between us.

    Yes if all else fails we can agree to disagree.

    hey leeroy and sammy, hows life?
    your right leeroy, not everyone agrees on everything, which is why were here, to know why,
    and people that we disagree upon respond in a such a negative childish ways that leaves you thinking 'what the' is wrong with this person. anyways good to be back , i'm really happy these days, all my efforts and hard-working paid off when i finished the exam yesterday.


    thanks, i'd like to hear from ole hipster as well, sammy i'm from Australia :) how about you?


    Cool welcome back, I'm sure ole hipster can't wait to hear from you!!!


    hiya doublehelix,glad to have you back on board!


    by the way doublehelix which part of the world are you from?


    i am from the uk doublehelix.

    Hey LR. Disagreeing is part of life. How a person handles the debate is a sign of their character. Some people over react and go right to a stubborn phase, which is too bad because once one of the parties begins closing their mind to what the other person has to say, then the discussion just ended because they aren't listening anymore, they're just planning their next comment.

    Hi ya Sammy and welcome back DH. What was your exam in?


    You, Ghost and I are usually on the same page about 95% of these qusetions so I'm sure he knows how much respect we have for him. I'm sure when he comes back, you two can clear the air the way guys like us do and all will be fine.


    thanks coach, i'm a second year mechatronics engineer student. it's a pretty fun course except the mathematic parts of it which drains me.


    Yes, thanks, I think Spaceghost was offended by something I said but, I'm not sure what? He won't stay on a question it I get on the same one? I was probably joking and he took offense to it? Anyway thanks for the good comments as usual.


    Thanks Coach, that's what I though as well, we do have very similar views, I hope we can be cool again too.

    Someone once said, whomever raises his voice first, loses. Why do the arguments (as in discussions and debates, not yelling and screaming) have to be heated? What happened to being cool under pressure and making dynamic, informed, and spirited explanations that use justification and reasoning to counter less thought out or irrational thought? Why use barbs and squabbles when a kind word pisses off that annoying relative that much better? My favorite dialogs in plays and or movies always involve conflict, in which the characters never raise their voices, and yet makes such great points that everyone laughs. For that reason, I prefer watching British parliament over the US Congress too. If you want to see some great debates, check out the British on-line. Even if you don't know what the heck they are talking about, I am sure you (whomever is reading this) will appreciate the "art" of the arguments taking place. Their technique is wonderful, funny, and smart in every sense of the word. Too bad our own politicians seldom rise to such elegance.

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