    Have you ever found money? what did you do with them?

    +7  Views: 2316 Answers: 17 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: money

    love ya name little cat

    I love my little cats :-)

    17 Answers

    I do not find sums of money just lying around but if I did, I'd turn it in to the police. I'd rather give it back to who it belongs to than to steal it from them. I have found quite a few wallets or purses and I always get them back to their owners. I found a $20 bill once on the roadside while out walking. That I kept. There was no way I'd be able to find the owner. A week later I was in line at a store behind a woman with 2 children who came up $16.32 short on her bill. I paid the difference. It was my way of paying it forward. I turn in all grocery purchases I find in carriages in the parking lot too. I've found a lot of left behind bags of groceries. That always amazes me. I mean how does one leave a full bag of groceries in a cart?


    No, they're just there. People do not pay attention to what they're doing. Now remember, what I've put out here is over a span of almost 30 years. It's not like I've just found them all in the last week.

    Did you remove your answer? I do not see it.

    and how do they leave a large carton of eggs in the baby seat in the cart ? I saw a man find that in the parking lot.

    I found 2 bags in a cart one time filled with baby food, formula and diapers. Thankfully, the person who bought all that did remember to take the baby out of the cart.

    I found a sweater with $48.00 in the pocket. It was left behind in a Hotel room. I turned it into the lobby and 90 days later, the hotel gave me the money because the owner of the sweater  never called or came back to claim it.


    Nice :)

    that's great. I'm surprised the hotel didn't keep it.

    Found small sums of money over the years,but never any ID ,so just kept it.What can you do ?.


    Spend it on things I need, want, and desire. lol!

    I saw a wallet fall off the roof of a car. I took it home and counted it with the next door neighbour. Then we called the police. There was quite a bit of money in it. As I had to walk back up a hill to the police station, I decided to walk home as I was eight months pregnant and pushing a stroller with twins in it.

    Found a wallet while traveling out of state with a few bucks in it, it belonged to a doctor in Boston. I mailed it back once I reached my destination. He sent me a check for fifty bucks and a thank you letter.

    "I was walking by a bank with my wife .I dont what you call them in the States in the U k.Its a withdrawel "Hole in the wall ,system .Someone left there money hanging out £60 .We went into the bank told the bank lady .She said "Oh thanks never ask our names.My wife "Said we should taken it to the police.


    yes you should have in the states they call a bank clerk a teller

    A friend of family bought a car in a police auction.  The car engine had problems when driving it back home. Took it to mechanic. Traced it down to fuel filter. Turned out not the filter. Thought to be bad gas. Was not gas. But the gas tank had 45,000 dollars wrapped up floating in the tank. The dumbass mechanic got scared and called police. All he had to do was say nothing , and he could have pocketed the money. The vehicle was from drug bust. Who does money belong to ? Took court decision to rule for owner of car. after about a year.

    I cannot say I have found anything worth something. A dog , actually a puppy FOUND me and after looking and waiting for someone to claim it , checking newspaper and asking around I end up keeping it. That was six years ago, his name is Sam. It is a Rott and I love it.


    Awww, so much better than finding money. Love is more valuable than money :)

    Very true Colleen. Thanks for your comment

    I turn in found tools and equipment to the police, if no one claims it in 30 days the police will give it to you or they will sell it at auction. Found a briefcase with cashiers checks inside for $40000.00 and gave that to the owner. Found diamond rings several times. Usually folks know what you found and reclaim it by accurately describing it to the police. Found a $100.00 dollar bill in an alley a few days before Christmas. Walked up the street to where an old timer was quietly trying to talk a girl out of hooking for the money she needed to buy Christmas Gifts for her kids and gave her the cash without  taking her on. I felt really happy I did that.   

    u can keep it but that is not the right thing to do so i would take into the police station

    I've found a few wallets, lucky enough they all had I.D, so I just contacted the owners, though one was quite very rude and expected I should drive to his place to deliver it !! I told him to come and get it and then shove it up his A..... I might add I've lost my purse a couple of times, never to be seen again, woudln't it be nice if there were more honest people, you never know, lost wallets &  the content might be the only money some poor soul might have to their name.

    Last year in a period of six weeks I found one wallet, one purse, an expensive looking ladies fur coat and an iPhone. All left behind on my bus and all, I hasten to add, handed in at my depot. Any items handed in are kept for up-to fourteen days and any not claimed are then deposited to a central "lost and found" bureau. After six months any unclaimed items are then auctioned off, date is published in the local Press. As an employee we have no entitlement to any reward.  When an item   with a value of Up-to 500 Euro is claimed, then the "finder" can claim from the owner 5%, and  any item with a value more than 500 Euro the reward is 3%. This is laid down in the german Civil Law Book.

    I can honestly say that I have never kept anything of value.    

    i found someones wic coupons around christmas time last year. they do not replace wic coupons if they are lost or whatever. i took them to the wic office and they were returned to the owner. made me feel great tat that woman got her childrens wic back.

    I once lost a wallet with $650 in cash in it. Got the wallet back with the important things in it but NO CASH. :(

    Have to admit, I would have kept the cash too.  My loss for being so careless.


    Yes! Found a roll in a hedge outside a Merrill Lynch office.  Asked one of the brokers.  Contractor doing work there and had given 200 dollars to an employee to purchase material. It was lost. I was given a used Milwakee Screw Gun and many boxes of 18" by 18" floor tile.  What a nice thing to do.  After using the tool for several years, someone stold it.  I still have the tile.

    I've found wallets and purses lots of times. I never look at the money, b/c I don't want somebody standing nearby to say, " It was that lady that took it. I saw her looking in there  where the money is''   So, I just give the wallet or purse to whomever is in charge.......such as .....a clerk in a dept store, or a resturant manager or employee., or if it's near the police station, I take it over there.  One time , a woman found my wallet outside of '' Old Country Buffet '' and she called me and asked me to describe the wallet and the pictures there in. So, then she met me there and gave it to me. I tried to give her a little reward, but she waved me away saying, '' Oh , No, It's near Christmas now ''

    yes, when I was a child, I found 10 dollars and spent it for toys

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