    What's the funniest last name you've ever heard? One point per name.

    +24  Views: 6196 Answers: 83 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: funny

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    thank u Colleen!

    83 Answers (61-83 Displayed)


    There is 1 person named John Potty in Pilot Station, AK.


    Potty? OMG ... How embarassing is that??

    Here's one: I don't know how she survived ... Gay Spitz

    Almost forgot .... There was ... uh ...Amber Beaver

    I didn't think I could handle it when my daughter married Mr. Coon.

    Allen Balls, I have a friend on line, that name.


    Now he’s famous, Ms. Bird. : )

    I had a sergeant in the army by that name.

    Peacock feelgood childs butcher farmer baker burns


    You call the attorney’s office and the secretary answers with “Good morning, this is Peacock, Feelgood, Childs, Butcher, Farmer, Baker, Burns, and Bun.

    Have we forgotten the infamous Anthony Weiner!

    My maiden name was BAD. I'll just post a few of the names that appeared on envelopes and arrived in our mailbox: Triplepiece, Gravelpitts, Travelpiece, Timepeace, Tripletitts, Triplepiss, Timepiece, Travelpeace, Travelpiss, Gravelpiss.  There are more. : X

    Anyhoo ... I survived all this. I think some people thought they were being funny. Others just didn't get there letters right.

    Itsmee... IS that you??? you are adorable!!!!!!!


    that twasmee, jenn. ty. there are not enough people who post their photos. so i decided to take it off. you first, jenn. : )

    One of my daughters was married to a bloke whos` fathers name was Richard (Dick) liss.

    My wife went to a gyno who was Dr DICK.

    I went to school with Mark Hooker.

    So, so totally agree..........

    Cocke, then  Butt,  as surnames.

    I had a teacher named Jeff Rosenberg.


    Don't see any thing wrong or funny about Rosenberg????

    itsmee;  I heard it as John Brown's body lies a mouldering in the grave. And it was a song.

    Interesting item:  John Brown went to town.

                                 Rid'in' a billy goat, leading a hound.

                                 Hound barked.  Billy goat jumped.

                                 Threw John Brown right straddle of a stump.

    Superintendent at a prison Richard Stiff, Small children, Dylan Dick always called Dilly Dick, Buddy O. Buzard III , like no one learned the first two times. Dr Aries A. Assamcropolis and his son Jr. Just mean to do that to a kid. Also read in a phone book in South Dakota =  Elmer C. Pigg. A few years later I checked the phone book again , now several families og Piggs in that town. I also had a friend who had three uncles Hubert, Louis and Dewey. == Hughy, Louie and Dewey, Louie had a set of twins. Elmer and Ella. Some people have no brains. 

    I was looking for the longest name in my phone book. I think I found it: Triantofillopoulos


    It’s rhythmical. I kinda like it.

    What about that Chinese bloke "Ball Hung Lo"

    My wife went to a Gyno whos` name was Doctor Dick, dead set that was his surname.

    I heard of a old Gyno that had Parkinsons, I believe the women were booked up months ahead.

    Upon entering the rehab portion of a hospital, following a life-threating illness; my husband was told his Dr. was named: Dr.Korvorkien.

    Don't know the correct spelling of his last name.  But, you get the picture.


    Was it THE Dr. Korvorkien that we all have heard of? What did you do?

    To: itsmee No, he assured us the 1st day(visit) that he was not THE Korvorkien nor was he related to THE. We all three had a great laugh. lol

    Saw it on TV this morning.A German skier named Fanny Chmelar (Schmeller).It was a question about her on a quiz show,the host couldn't control himself from laughing.

    Does this show?




    gnot  - another way to say "it is." Commonly used in correlation with favorite colors or objects.

    I heard it from you tyhe first time in my life.


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