    my son, age 7 continues to say "what" Does this indicate a hearing loss?

    Recently I notice he wants things repeated and he often says, "what"  Does this behavior suggest hearing loss.  No one in our family experiences hearing loss.

    +3  Views: 2180 Answers: 12 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: medical

    12 Answers

    Could be just his age but I would not take a chance.  Strongly suggest you take him to his physician.

    If he does not have one, take him to your local Health Department and ask them to test his hearing.


    Take him to hearing specialist.   do you find that the word 'what?' is a common word in your home?? Sometimes people will use a 'pause word' such as; what, huh? i beg your pardon, etc., as time pause to think out their answer.. It's a habit with some people, if other members of a family does this, it might be a family trait.   My son does similar and he's 33, I know darn well he hears me. Then my wife said i do that too.. 

    MY mom has hearing trouble she  asking us what  several times  each day.  Have the  Doctor  check this out to ease your fear  probably nothing  wrong better  to know that nothing is wrong than keep worried! hope this help's


    I hope you're son's hearing will be all right.

    My grandson who is 7 is always saying what,i think it is just the age.He can certainly hear when he wants to. LOL

    Its the beginning of selective hearing for males.

    country bumpkin

    You mean it starts in childhood? Yikes!

    they might find wax build up in his ears. the doctor flushes that out. some times they give you wax softener to use first. good luck baby doll!

    Sometimes it can be a habit .... but still get it checked out.

    Lack of attention to things being said around him. Are you trying to talk to him while he's playing a video game or watching TV or on the computer or listening to music? Is your voice his focal point? If he is doing any of the above when you speak to him, at the first "what?" promptly walk over and turn off what ever he's doing and have him focus on you and what you're saying. I doubt this is an ear related hearing issue. More of a selective hearing issue.

    Kids at 7 or around thier are taking in alot of their world. It is hard to concintrate on one thing when you are trying to figure out everything. It is very common. Having said that, if you ever have a medicail concern always ask your doc.

    It is common in children around that age to want you to repeat yourself.  May not understand easily or it could be hearing problem.  Best to check it out.  You never take a chance with our future leaders of America!

    Are you a foreigner with a heavy accent?

    In the US, public schools test hearing each year through the school nurse.  Does your school have one?  This may yield some helpful info, as to if there is a problem, or a habit. 

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