    Did you know Australian, Muslim leaders want to bring in Sharia law?

    +3  Views: 2051 Answers: 7 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: religion

    eggie i asked a question similar to yours a month ago, nobody was interested, i hope they are now, our overseas cousins will be affected eventually.

    Very Good Question Eggie a TU for that LOL

    7 Answers

    i know eggie i saw it on sunrise Australia,they want to establish a muslim bank, only for muslims which is a dangerous precedent, all they need is one foot in the door and we are doomed. next they will build mosques so they can chant from the top 5 times a day, usually in a prominate area.we must not let this happen, the muslims are the only group in our society that will never assimilate. thank god one state [N.S.W] has the powers to have their veils removed when requested by police.i only hope the other states follow suit. i feel very strongly about this, we must protect future generations. One law for all.

    Where have you been? There are mosques all over Sydney.

    eggie i'm from adelaide, the city of churches[ and pubs].
    There needs to be only one law and that is the country they live in. If they do not like it, let them go back to the country they came from.

    there' re trying to spread islam in as many countries as possible, to get rid of the infidels.

    Yea, I know. Germany is building schools for Muslim children. They are out of theire mind.

    Australia is letting them build muslim schools. They are all over the place. In some cases they are opposite the main-stream public schools.
    It really makes you wonder why they left where they are from in wanting to make their new homeland like the one they left. It also sounds as though they are trying to use Australian laws against itself.

    Shoota, they want to have their own laws independently to Australian law.

    A lot of their kids a little criminals. There are even whole families shooting each others houses up in Sydney and Melbourne.
    if you think it's only australia think again, their tring to do the same in england as well afew other european countries as well as talk in the usa,god help us all if that ever happens. i beleive in freedom of religion but not freedom of hate, granted not all muslems are terrorist but so far all your terrorist have been muslem.

    I think everyone is affected in most Countrys and in the Uk I feel very strongly about this I belive everyone should have thier own religion and Respect this and I always say when in Rome ! I know when I lived in the middle East I respected thier dress code Law,  but I think they should respect our way of life and they are in our Country , if you lived in thier Country you WOULD have to obey thier law there is no doubt about that We are just soft shites and we seem to bend over back wards in every whim take a case over here this guy ran a child over Hit and run and he didnt have any insurance or a driving licence and was also banned for knocking some one down prevously this poor child died and they gave him 8months and was allowed to stay in the country because he has child who is a brittish subject if that had hapened in thier Country I dont think you would have been heard of  a gain. this is not jutice it is just us


    My Aunt lives in Yorkshire, she says England is not England anymore.

    she is right there eggie up north is really bad thanks for the comment
    If the Australian people allow this to happen we are all idiots.

    Come election time ask your local contestants what is their stand point and ask them to sign a letter to that fact either way. Then vote accordingly.

    In the meantime swamp you current local member with carefully worded letters stating you feelings. Do not go all emotional and stand on your high horse be reasonable but make it clear NO, NO, NO.

    Hit both State and Federal members.

    peoplelover, am i on a high horse?

    No you are on Shanks` Pony.
    I must have missed you ealier question re the Shari law, surely even our Jules the Red Queen would not consider this.

    Christ help us if we lose any more of being Australian, I get annoyed at all the septics influence, we are Aussies let`s stay that way. We have had the best lifesyle for yonks why the "f" should we lose it.

    Now I am on my high horse.

    I agree.

    It has started in Sydney only yesterday19th july,2 men broke into a mans appartment and gave him 40 lashings for not abiding with Sharia law,one of the offenders has been arrested.

                  WHO DO THEY THINK THEY ARE


    The bosses of sharia law. Anyway, two have been arrested and police are searching for two more. They also took his computer hard drive and the hard drive and maybe a camera which was taking videos of the attack. Police have it now. They are born and bred in Australia, but they are hardliners. I think we are in for a bad time in later years. The guy they beat up will be on television tonight. He became a muslim about three years ago. He is now in hiding. The Government also looks the other way for multiple wives.

    I dont think our Government and laws are going to stand for it.Remember the rapes ?They were given 50 odd years in gaol.
    It is scary for the future, because us Aussies will be outnumbered.

    that is SCARY!!!!

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