    Guys Gals can you tell when its time to break up and end a relationship is it a gut feeling or the other persons actions

    +4  Views: 2326 Answers: 9 Posted: 12 years ago

    9 Answers

    it's probally a bit of both, you know when things are going south when you no longer hold the door , say good morning or even i love you,. i think it your heart as well as your spouces you both know that sinking feeling like when a part of your heart fails to beat to same old somg.what's the point in flogging a dead horse, time to saddle up and gallop into a new sunrise.i think without being said most partners know when to call a spade a spade..
    I have a bit of trouble with 'trust your instincts'.. Some times a 'hunch' is wrong and you will respond wrongly as a result of 'trusting instincts'..

    When its time to move on, you can of course listen to 'gut feelings' but do not make a decision based on this alone.. Sometimes things are not what they seem.

    As Daren says, the more obvious answer is what is going on in your life and this relationship.. sometimes the obvious is as clear as the nose on your face but only to other people as it is difficult to see your own nose..

    Just examine your relationship, go back weeks, months, years, what has changed-- No relationship is a honeymoon for a lifetime, you should expect some degree of 'security' which will sometime manifest itself as lack of caring, a relationship reaches a comfort zone and all the lovey dovey courtship dissappears, doesn't mean that love isn't there, its just beyond the proving to each other..
    don't always listen and beleive what they say,,,,,but watch what they has always worked for me,

    When there is nothing left for you  to do to make things feel right. 

    When the 50% good and 50% bad tips over to 49% good and 51% bad.

    When you can't stand the sound of the other person's voice saying your name.

    When you begin looking at other people and go hmmmm.

    When you dread actually going out in public with that person.

    When every thing you do for them becomes a chore.

    When you just want to sit in the bathroom and cry (Oh that was me).

    When you begin to find other things to do rather than spend time with the person you are in a relationship with.

    When you mentally stack "What is wrongs" up and start counting.

    When that person isn't 'your person' any more.


    When you have a gut feeling its trying to tell you something.  At minimal you should explore and question yourself.  You usually find the reason for the gut feeling.  

    Try this.  Answer each question you pose to your self concerning this issue and then ask yourself simply  "why" and then answer why with the painful truth.  Eventually you'll find it.

    trust your instincts, when its not right its not!

    When any relationship is more hindrance than joy it is time to pack it in.Too many people become complacient sometimes believing the other can't live without them but this is like old meat...don't worry...someone else will most assuredly  come along and make a stew of it!! Peace.

    If you have to ask this question and you feel you don't want to stay in your relationship, then you already knoe the answer!

    Both have their place.  Sometimes "you" break up with someone because of his/her actions.  (This is a spouse, partner, friend) For me, this would be any kind of abusive treatment (mental, physical, emotional), doing illegal stuff, consistently displaying excessive behavior such as drinking, drug use, creating a scene in public, and especially if  (s)he and my sons do not get along.  My kids DO want me to be happy and loved, so if one of them voices a concern, I'm listening. They have been right about people EVERY time. 
    Gut feelings?  When you have a gut feeling that a relationship isn't right for you and you DON'T act on it, you are doing a disservice to yourself and your partner.  It is just a matter of time until it comes to an end in any is too short to dawdle with those who give you a bad gut feeling.   

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