    Has anyone noticed that there are fewer birds or no birds at all this year?

    I live in NH. and always feed birds all year round. Until end of April this year they disappeared. I have seen a couple Blue Jays, but mostly crows now and they are a nucience.

    +15  Views: 5322 Answers: 19 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: animals

    I have quite a few birds in my back garden ann,but i only know the names of the more commom birds. i keep cocketils,and used to breed them,i just have one female and two males left,
    Baldy Man

    If you feed the birds they will hang around. Except of course if they are wearing padded bras, don,t bother

    Now that you mention it, yes. There still seems to be a lot of Canada geese (I live in NY), but other birds seem to have flown the coop. Monarch butterflies also; a few Septembers ago, I sat outside for about an hour and counted around 50, apparently flying south. What gives?

    Chick-a-dees, Goldfinches, sparrows an red polls came back two month ago, but are gone again for a month now. I did some research. Many birds are dying from people using fertilizers and EMFs (Radiation from cell phone Towers)and the same thing is killing bees.Ducks and loons have also virtually disappeared(Ilive on a lake)This is really bad news. We need the bees to pollinate fruit trees and crops and we need birds to take care of insects.We cannot survive without birds or bees.

    19 Answers

    Yes not only the birds but the Bees also.
    Mans greed for weatlh is taking its toll on the Eco system

    Yea, its pretty sad what is happening.
    I've been noticing that for years, each year there seems to be less cardinals, orioles, and blue jays than the year before. I live in S. FL and usually they spend the winter down here, just seems to be fewer and fewer all the time.

    On the other hand there are plenty of ring neck doves and wild parrots, like quakers and African ringneck.

    They all moved north, even they know Florida is too dang hot!

    Thanks. I wonder why they are declining. It might have something to do with the enviroment.

    Yes, could be because a loss of food source, usually this effects birds, also the bird flu, took out quite a few. Colleen has a good point too.

    It's just to hot and muggy down here for them.
    I’m in Yreka, CA near Mt Shasta…..There are fewer birds this year than I have seen before here. I keep bird feeders out all year and I see a lot of birds. But many species are obviously in decline. I’m hopeful that eagles will surge to take care of the overpopulation of cats here. If I loose more chickens to the eagles and large hawks I will raise more chickens to supplement their diet. The cats go for chicks but I think the eagles may take on full-size cat. There are Bald eagles here that stan nearly 4 feet tall. Most eagles I see are young and only stand about 3ft tall. Coyotes haven’t been heard for 2 years here. English sparrows are increasing their numbers dramatic as a result of finding nesting sites under the eaves of newly constructed buildings that remain frost free year round. As a result I have seen E.Sparrows with fledglings in every month of the year.

    I too keep Birdfeeders out out all year. We have bald eagles here too, but they have been around for many years. It is just so eerie when I go outside and dont hear birds chirping. I know they have natural enemies like eagels and hawks and fisher cats. I hope they are not dying of disease. Thanks for your input.
    There are more and more people around me that feed the birds, so I figured they were going elsewhere to eat. In the summertime I still have plenty because my house is surrounded with pine forest.

    Most people around here only come up in the summer. I know they do not feed the birds. I live on a lake and I am surrounded by forrest also.I have had plenty of birds over winter and early spring.Last year the town put chemicals in the lake to kill millfoil. That might have something to do with it.

    I think all the chemicals that are being used today are killing our wildlife, especially the birds. The weather also may have something to do with it, just as FF has said. Remember last summer was so long and hot, it had to have affected them to some degree.
    Yes. They have been in decline for several years where I live. We used to have a lot of crows. Now I don't hear them. Perhaps you could send us some of yours.

    Thanks. I will ask them if they want to go.
    I guess they all moved to my backyard then. I have an over abundance of birds. I have them all. Chick-a-dees, wild finches, cardinals, wrens, nuthatches, downy woodpeckers, titmouse, Robin, Bluejays, crows, cow birds, redwing black birds, hawks, they're all here.

    They might have all left for your backyard, except for the crows. But I miss them, so please tell them to come home.

    I'll leave a note the next time I fill the feeders. I'll let them know they are missed. ;)

    Thanks Colleen, that is very nice of you.
    Lots of birds and nests have been killed and destroyed from all of the storms pounding the states.

    Thank you. That is terrible sad. I miss my feathered friends. Its not the same anymore. They brought so much joy in my life.

    Why not buy a parakeet or two then?

    I have 2 dogs and a cat and they keep me busy.
    Thanks though that is a nice thought.
    I just keep a bird bath in the back yard, (here in tampa bay fl) and get all kind of visitors, but yes less than years past. We used to get green parrots. Now mostly cardinals, blue jays, doves.

    Some Birds may have been affected by the oil spill. That was a terrible tragedy.

    yes it was, worked for a week with the humane society, helping birds, lots of pelicans. It was quite an experience.

    Wow Bevs what achievement you are so lucky to have experiance this well done mel

    thanks mel, i was really lucky to do that. Will always remember carrying an oil slicked pelican in my arms to get him ready for clean up. Those big brown eyes were looking at me, like thanks..

    Thank you for helping those birds, Bevs. I wonger if they will ever recover.
    I have been reading all the comments and yes they are incline and I think this extrealy worring RE: the world as we know it things are getting worse I think Mother Nature has enough mel

    Yes I think you are right.
    we have plenty of birds.. Peacan orchard and all.... We also keep the bird baths filled.. That attracts more of them than the feeders... Humming birds are starting to get very active right about now... I am in GA

    You are lucky. I have a birdbath too but no takers and have not seen one Hummingbird yet. My Rosebushes are blooming and my honeysuckle. Maybe its because of all the crows that are hanging around.
    So far this year I have seen one hummingbird

    What state do you live? I have not even seen one hummingbird.
    They all came to my house. My car is covered with bird shit every morning. Have to hose it off before I drive it. I have Bluejays and Cardinals the size of chickens.

    I know they can make a mess. I dont have cardinals here but I have seen 2 Bluejays only.

    some birds fly together and travel from place to place like migratory birds
    Many died when they fell out of the sky last year.

    I still had all my Birds all winter through early spring. Now there is dead silence. I have never used Fertilizer or anything that would hurt them.

    Ann the birds are done mating now so they aren't singing like they do when they first come back. I still have the occasional cardinal or chickadee etc. but it's quiet everywhere now.

    we had a lot of starlings earlier this year and sparrows too.Plus bluetits.The most unusual ones we had were nuthatches,they were a new one on me! A couple of days ago i had a tiny mouse on one of the birdfeeders but i dont think hes really that relevant to your question!


    I am glad that you have all your birds still. It is crazy, but I was actually depressed when I did not hear the sound of birds or birds coming to my birdfeeder. But I am so very happy to tell you, they are coming back. In the last week there are Chick-a-dees, sparrows titmouse , Red Polls, and Goldfinches. Feeding and singing.It is so beautiful to be outside now. I think God had something to do with that.
    yes i have notied that there are few birds or no birds in india because of pollution of gases

    That is really sad

    Victoria . Melbourne ,,   has no sparrows anymore because of that     ( GREY MINOR  )  bird, It  seems to be  taking over our  rosellas  Nesting holes  and all of our  migrating  birds homes .. in tree holes.    Our cockatoos also here in Melb. have lost there Gum Trees... they are lopping them down  every where...  what a mess .. when i came in this area about 25 yrs ago  the rossellas    seem  lot seem to stay in the winter, and  most of the bunch wourld return in spring, but now  only a few pairs seem to be around I counted about    3pairs last summer  and getting worse .. that minnor birds has to go... also a very  very bad population of Possums  (  Brushtails  )  ...   not too bad with ringtails...


    Its happening everywhere now. Natural habitats are changing or beeing wiped out, so they have to find another home, that may be the reason why Grey Minors are taken over in your area. Man is natures worst enemy.

    NOT IN NC.

    Since we've moved here my wife and I have seen countless Cardinals, Blue Jays and Chickadees.

    The others that have made a visit are Humming Birds, Wood Peckers and Red Tail Hawks.

    Looks like they all flew HERE. :)

    Date: Sept. 20th 2019

    I just heard on Coast to coast this morning that the radiation from all super high frequencies and above especially "5G" are killing the birds.

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