    Are You OverEating?

    +9  Views: 2845 Answers: 16 Posted: 13 years ago
    Tags: food

    Hi pamela just let you know that itsmee has complained about the smileys any way cut a long story short I have confronted itsmee and said that she needs to annswer more questions and leave me alone i did piont out that she had a problem with me and not the smileys waiting for the answer on that one right I feel better now that i have shared that hope you have a nice day pamela Lots of love mel

    Sometimes we have to do what we got to do. I'm glad you feel better. Lots of love, Pamela. :-)

    16 Answers

    Try finding an eating disorder clinic in your area. If you have insurance, alot of them will cover inpatient treatment or outpatient therapy. It is more common than you think & is becoming more "socially acceptable" to talk about since people like Princess Diana and famous actresses have "come out" about them. The 10 ten triggers for overeating that another person just listed are excellent. If you stop & count to 10 & think about why you are eating before you put something in your mouth it helps too. Keeping busy is also an easy way to keep from overeating.
    No, I do not over eat.. I did put on weight but took it off, I am still maybe 10lbs overweight but not because of overeating, I think its time in life that things begin to move around. As long as my rearend stays at the bottom I think I'll be ok though..

    ten pounds...
    Top 10 Triggers for Overeating:

    - Boredom

    - Feeling Deprived - You feel deprived of the foods which you enjoy and this leaves you craving for them even more.

    - Feeling Disgust or Hatred with Your Body

    - Glucose intolerance- This is a physiological trigger. The person is driven to eat and if simple carbohydrates are chosen, the cycle continues.

    - Habits- Your daily habits.

    - Lack of Energy and Feeling Tired- "When your energy level is low, you may look for food to pick you up.

    - Needing Love and Comfort- You turn to food when you're really
    needing love and comfort.

    - Feeling Overwhelmed

    - Feeling Upset and Hurt

    - Lack of Willpower
    Any time you eat when you're not hungry is actually an instance of overeating. It can occur at any time of the day or night, with a main meal or in between meals.
    You know, many people confuse the feeling of thirst with the feeling of hunger. You may want to try drinking a big glass of water first, many times it will hold the hunger feeling off for a couple of hours, to an hour or so.
    Are you? I don't eat a lot of food. You should leave the table feeling 80% full. Eat in moderation.

    Have a bottle of water near you at all times and take a sip even if you're not thirsty.  Chewing gum helps to alleviate hunger as well.  Of course, keeping busy and exercise will also work.

    i am going through this experience and it has been out of control i am currently waiting to join a program that can assist me with binge eating and eating dissorders ,i know there is no magic wand ,im just hoping therapy will help as it is a phsycological problem.

    I truly hope you accomplish your goal. TU!!!
    Grandma in CA

    Try finding an eating disorder clinic in your area. If you have insurance, alot of them will cover inpatient treatment or outpatient therapy. It is more common than you think & is becoming more "socially acceptable" to talk about since people like Princess Diana and famous actresses have "come out" about them. The 10 ten triggers for overeating that another person just listed are excellent. If you stop & count to 10 & think about why you are eating before you put something in your mouth it helps too. Keeping busy is also an easy way to keep from overeating.

    @Grandma in CA - This is a great comment. Please put in the answer so you can get a vote. Thanks!
    Grandma in CA

    thank you Pamela

    I have put on way too much weight, after being ill in hospital and losing weight (down to about 6 stone)they put me on a high carb high protein diet, it took ages to put on enough weight for them to let me go home, now I find I crave these foods, my clothes are too tight and I need to stop eating crap. but oh how I love cherry ripes, chocolate cake and pasta, about to become a fond memory.sadly, but here come the salads.

    No in fact I do not eat much at all.

    I have the opposite problem.I don't eat enough.I'm not annorexic (Sorry spelling) & I don't have bulimia I just get too busy to stop & eat. As a consequence my blood sugar is way down in the afternoon & I tend to overeat at dinner time.So ducka's answer is the good one for you.Keep busy.

    PS here's a smiley :-)


    At times, I do the same thing. If I'm really involved in something that interests me, I can actually forget to eat and then, when I stop, I'm starving!

    This has been going on for 40 years with me Ducka.It's a mindset I can't get rid of.LOL

    ""I never overeat.

    It's not so much that I overeat, I just eat the wrong foods (the kind bad for diabetics). However, I just loss 20 pounds by no snacking and balancing my meals. Eat like a good diabetic should and everybody would be slender.....


    I ate olives, pickles, Swiss cheese, and crackers for my dinner. I snacked on some extra crackers to be honest but my blood sugar was only 153....I did alright....Nosy....

    My husband has been cooking .................. for the past two weeks and oh my goodness!  Yes.  He is brilliant in the kitchen.  

    YES, in sugar, which is VERY unusual for me.  Probably because a friend at work started providing a tub of good chocolates in variety available to everyone who works there and it's just too convenient and close. Must refuse the thought to indulge!!!

    Yes, can;t resist chocolate and cakes , and chocolate cakes, and puddings. it didn't matter so much when I was younger didn't put the weight on, but I do now.

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