    What has troubled you since your childhood?

    I'm have a crown put on a tooth, and I still hate dentist!!  Back in my childhood, we went to a fancy dentist for a few times before mom thought he was to expensive. So,, we went to another dentist, much more affordable. I'm guessing he learned dentistry in WW2 and never upgraded. Usually after school we went, you could still smell his liquid dinner on his breath, if I did have a cavity he would always say it's just a little cavity David we're not going to use any Novacane. I would walk out crying. The time I did make him use the juice, he pulled out a needle from his desk drawer it reminded me of one from the old Western shows from the 1800's. That damn thing hurt more than the drilling. Ever since I have had problems going to the dentist. And yes he put the needle right back in the drawer. 

    +9  Views: 1056 Answers: 6 Posted: 5 years ago
    Tags: dentist

    Eeewwww…..You poor thing. I sure understand why that memory is stuck in your brain forever. :((

    Ducky I will never forget that man. He was a pleasant old man. But wow... Very bad memories.

    "old man"? He was probably fifty. lol

    6 Answers

    I was not made to brush my teeth when I was a kid so by the time I was around the age 8-10 I had a mouth full of cavities.   I was petrified of needles so every time the dentist tried to numb my mouth I would plead with him not too.   He finally gave in to my wishes and he drilled out 13 cavities on the same day.   I was told that when I'm feeling lots of pain to raise my hand and he will stop drilling for a moment to give me a rest. I raised my hand so many times for him to stop, but he didn't always oblige.

    To this day, I'm so fearful of going to the dentist even if it's only to have my teeth cleaned.  Ha, one dentist, I used to have (he moved to another state) prescribed diazepam for me to take before my appointments.  


    I don't think I'll ever get past my fear of going to the dentist.  This is why I brush my teeth sometimes several times a day. I also floss and use a tongue scraper.  


    They can put you right out now. I understand that there is no need to feel a thing anymore. Would you try that?
    country bumpkin

    Oh, sure I'll try it. I'm making an appointment right now. LOL

    I knew you would. What day do you go? I would like the name and telephone number of the dentist....just so I can call you while you're waiting, to give you some encouraging words.....before they knock you out. LOL!

    That's the bad thing. I brushed and brushed. Mom stood there and made sure. We even had some kind of pills or something you would chew and if you didn't brush good enoug, it would turn the places you missed red.
    country bumpkin

    I remember those tablets JDB. They were given to the students during health class when we were studying oral hygiene.

    Ducky, No phones allowed. LOL

    I remember those little pills too. I wonder what was in them. Maybe they caused tooth decay? lol

    .... I remember my dad telling me when I was eight or nine years old that lawyers, politicians and used car salesmen had something in common: once they stop lying they start starving 

  , not much has changed 

    Would I ever be able to eat yellow squash? Hated it as a child, it made me gag. Both of my sisters learned to really, really love it. It still makes me gag......


    I used to have that with potatoes. Only in recent years did I learn to like them.....sort of. Still not my favorite vegetable but no more gagging. (Butter, salt & pepper.)

    Butter helps almost everything!

    And mine has to be clarified....even better. :)

    Duck, I bought a jar of ghee thinking to try it out. I did and it’s good but what to do with it?

    Use as butter. I understand it has somewhat of a nutty flavor. I think they allow the butter to brown but it does the same as clarified butter in that the process removes the casein and lactose which is what I need.

    my parents ( especially my dad ) made me eat anything that I didn't like- - - that made me feel like gagging.

    So mcm, you're saying that your parents chose food that you didn't like and then forced you to eat it. I'm guessing they didn't do that to their favorite child, your brother?

    My 5 year old granddaughter makes faces and gags whenever she thinks she can get out of eating something.
    I can't stand that behavior, and it gets no sympathy from me.

    Being forced to become an adult!         :)


    I tried not growing up.. it hurts to much now...
    terryfossil 1

    Keep trying Quacker keep trying..:):):):)..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<..

    Had a hard time placing a :) here so don't be concerned that you have several notifications from me that you cannot see. Nothing important and fixed now. :)

    being grown up is overrated.

    One night, Mom, sister and I were visiting her friend and her 6 children. Dad was home and her husband was probably out at a bar. We all lived outside town, amid vineyards and orchards. Their home was 600 sq. ft. at most, very crowded for a big family (with another baby on the way. Oldest child was 9 at the time).

    While the women visited, we watched the B/W television, which was broadcasting "Dracula". When we left, there was a full moon, and we were "in the middle of nowhere" geography-wise. Untold evil was obviously lurking in every shadow, the barn, behind trees, among vines....

    I couldn't get into the car and lock the door fast enough. The evening still haunts me, remembering the fear that movie put in me. Mom's friend later died in the delivery room...I later learned she'd told my mom she'd rather be dead than take her newborn home to that tiny shack, another memory from that night.



    Does not trouble me anymore JD,,got em all out ,top and bottom..lost some as they got broken,lost a few more with a broken jaw,had one dentist who had injected block injections,but he could not pull it out because it would not go to sleep,so he drilled down the middle of it till he hit the nerve,after he got me off the roof,he injected down the middle of the tooth,tooth went dead, and he pulled it i figured stuff it they are all coming out,,and they did,i have no regrets,just gotta find a good denture maker every 5 to 10 years..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..Image result for denture photos

    country bumpkin

    You're making me cringe. :))

    I got implants. Five post died very, very painfully. I have one left on top to hold my plate in so I have to use lots and lots of glue. The bottoms snap in fine. Can’t say that I love or hate them but spent a small fortune getting them. Asrrgghh!
    terryfossil 1

    The price of implants put me off anyway JH,,and what happens to the implant if you get a smack in the mouth..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    The smacking would never happen as you are so out to protect your mouth the defenses are at their peak!
    terryfossil 1

    If that was true JH,i would still have my original teeth..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    The implants are way too expensive, so I didn't get them

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