    I've just learned my neighbor is in the US illegally.

    Do I report this to ICE, or just look the other way? How do you feel about illegal residents in your backyard. 

    +9  Views: 1690 Answers: 10 Posted: 6 years ago
    Tags: morals

    10 Answers

    If I were you I would report them. Hopefully with the Donald you have a leader who is willing to do something about illegals, I wish we had someone hear who was prepared to do the same.


    I understand your opinion, we here are experiencing this on a "grand" scale for the first time IMHO, Enoch Powell had the correct solution (we are too small an island to cope) America is a totally different kettle of fish. There are 134 steps to the head of the statue of liberty, not one of them gets to the brain, America has many illegals contributing to their economy, doing jobs that "Americans" feel below them, as does the UK, there are always going to be elements of these cultures that are undesirable, but there are many elements of our own cultures that are undesirable and worse.

    Thank you, sunnyB, for being objective. It is unfortunate CNN and our liberal media are the primary source of US news abroad, as there are a lot of misconceptions about what goes on here. When our "beloved" Nancy Pelosi was almost eaten alive by a mob of demanding "dreamers", it gave me pause to wonder why anybody would think anyone here is owed anything, not the least these illegal residents thinking they deserved a free pass no matter what. .

    Which countries have only "the liberal CNN" as their primary source of news coverage? Canada receives all of the same networks that you in the U.S.A. receive, so your comment makes me curious. People outside of your borders, don't necessarily live under a rock. Some of us have even heard of Hannity and Coulter. Now aren't they interesting? Hah!

    I don't consider Canada "abroad", and I base this on conversations with passengers from a wide variety of countries who were on my cruise. The young man from Amsterdam who sat next to me on the flight to Barcelona told me CNN was their only source of US "news", of which he was skeptical. On our ship, CNN was the only US based "news" program on the television.
    My comment is based on those facts and does not suggest anyone lives under a rock.

    Is this neighbor a danger to you, your children, your grandchildren? Does the neighbor have a job? Is the neighbor quiet? Has this neighbor caused you any problems? Is this neighbor keeping their property maintained?

    Might you have friends or relatives who have caused more trouble, heartache and/or financial stress to others than this neighbor has or ever will? Maybe this is a chance to show a little compassion/understanding to another human being? Maybe? Maybe not? Things to consider.....calmly, without anger or self-righteousness. ("Why am I reporting this person"?)


    Anger, compassion, friends and relatives aside, my neighbor is residing here illegally. Do I look the other way?

    You seemed to have ignored my first paragraph. I say again..."WHY am I reporting this person"? I'm quite sure that during your life you have NOT reported every single thing that you thought was wrong and done so the minute you observed it, nor chastised that person for breaking the law. Or have you?

    I've read all the answers and comments several times.
    This person is residing in the US illegally.
    My history doesn't alter this fact.

    But....maybe "feeling" something could, not change the fact, but change your opinion. Maybe you should get to know your neighbor as a human being instead of one of those 'awful, law breaking illegals' who lives off the government and commits crimes on a regular basis. Think of the possibilities of being befriended by a Christian woman who took the time to try to understand and care, before jumping to conclusions.

    I can't shake the feeling I'm being reprimanded for something. All I said was the neighbor is in the US illegally. I passed no judgment in any way, and just asked if this should be reported to immigration authorities and how others feel about illegal residents in their own area.

    Maybe that's the "feeling" that I (and some others) are talking about.

    Well, Ducky, if talking about me behind my back, still, after 6 years, is what the few of you still left find pleasure in doing, I'm so glad I was part of akaQA for so long.

    How on earth did you make the gigantic leap from me saying "think about it" in answer to your above question, to (I guess you are accusing me) "talking behind my back'? If you want to be told only what you want to hear then "Report that horrible or wonderful neighbor and do it right now"! Feel better? Let's hear how you feel about yourself AFTER you do your duty to society. P.S. As I re-read some of the answers, Ben basically made the same points as did Clonge and Bulletman.

    Shame on you, Ducky. I made no reference about my neighbor other than residential status. Look at your innuendos and accusations about my character. There isn't one thing in my comments that justifies a nasty outburst.

    Oh shame on yourself. I'm not known for 'making innuendoes' and I (and the others that I mentioned) did not attack your character. I wonder why my comments (and the similar comments from the others) could possibly justify YOUR nasty outburst. Just pick up the phone, report your neighbor and release your stress for goodness sake, instead of continuing this rant! You are not the victim here.

    The stress has never been on me regarding the neighbor. I brought a question here, and look where it went.
    I apologize, sincerely, for misinterpreting your comment about "feeling". That is my error.
    My question was answered by Flip and Clonge.
    I haven't given a thought to what I should or should not do, nor ranted about it.
    It was a simple question, and those two guys answered me directly.

    "Maybe that's the feeling that I (and some others) are talking about".

    I can see how you may have misinterpreted what I meant in this statement. Your feelings about this situation are obviously torn. I can sense that and obviously, so can others, the "others" being members here on aka who have weighed in on your question, and whose comments I have read and re-read. We've all said similar things to you about this situation, often conveying, or trying to convey, the same idea. Ultimately, the decision is yours and I hope you make the one that lets you sleep at night. Life is too short.

    We are not related. :)

    ....treat him/her like you want to be treated 


    Generally, I can accept your "Do unto others" response. In this circumstance, it really is not helpful. My neighbor is residing here illegally. Should I look the other way?

    ....try prayer

    I can pray all day and the fact doesn't change.

    ....then, what is stopping you from acting on the fact ?

    I didn't say one way or the other. I put a question here about which we are all evading a concrete answer.

    ....illegals have been here all of my life due to the economy; they work for less they take more than they provide ?
    ....does our drug culture (citizens) take more than they provide ?
    ....what is the measure/tolerance for charity dealing with lawbreakers ?
    ....have our current laws ever been enforced ?
    ....opinion : if you want concrete answers eliminate greed.........fat chance

    How does eliminating greed answer a simple question? Why should your thoughtful observations influence the answer to a simple question? This person is here illegally. Should that be reported?

    ....if it is a simple question, then it is your call, are you reporting your neighbor ? have your answer

    I certainly do. Thank you for your perspective

    That's a tough one. Is the information credible? You have no legal obligation to report it. How long has the neighbor been here? What citizenship does he/she have? A family here ...or there? What might be the ramification(s) if sent back?  Many more questions could be conjured up, based upon the circumstances.


    Yes, the information is 100% credible.
    The circumstances are, my neighbor is residing here illegally. Do I look the other way?

    If I knew that the person had a criminal record, yes. If sending him/her back to his/her country of citizenship and his/her life could be in danger, no. If here for a long time, supports him/her self and family who is here or there, no. I once met someone who is from another country and was here illegally.. His homeland is downright dangerous, ridden with drugs, corruption poverty and murder. He was sending money back to his family there, while working 7 days a week. I would feel guilty about ratting him out. If I encountered him while doing my job, which I would've been sworn to do however, I'd turn him in. Humanity would go "out the window".. I don't make the law, but I'd be obligated to enforce it.

    Thank you.

    Don't rely on others to tell you what to do, let your concience be your guide, MsBob.


    The discomfort of others is obvious.

    Having spent a lot of money and effort in a failed attempt to get my wife's son and his family here to live with us, I would say..... when the USA has a fair way for people to immigrate here legally, leave the illegals alone unless they are not attempting to support themselves and live by our laws.


    What about the convicted felon who was deported and has returned, living is subsidized housing, getting food stamps, still committing felonies? The guy who uses meth with his daughter, the guy my grandchildren call "grandpa".

    @Bob/PKB: I adamantly believe there should be a law such as "Kate's law" to deal with those that refuse to obey our laws. I also believe that any able person (regardless of their citizenship status) that relies on the rest of us to support them should get no assistance. If I knew an illegal such as those you speak of, yeah I'd report them to ICE (but not to state officials that support sanctuary status).

    I have heard that the felon I referenced in my comment has been reported to immigration authorities, who have not responded.
    What the theme seems to be is to ignore the crime if the neighbor is a "good" person, but nobody seems willing to endorse illegal residency, nor condemn it.
    It's interesting.
    It disappoints me your wife's family was denied lawful immigration while we have so many clamoring to endorse illegal residents.

    Ignore it.

    I am just wondering how you found out your neighbor is here illegally?  Have they been here a long time?  Where you live there are many illegals as there are here too(Michigan) Years ago I did report to my employer about a group they had hired who all had the same ss number.  I can say that many younger folks who are here illegally seem to be helping the US but it is not legal. To make a choice to report or not is something I am glad I don't have to make. The choice is yours. You will have to live with the consequences of your action. 


    Well said, clu.

    You should really worry about the registered sex offender down the street. Reporting wont do anything. Police wont do anything unless he/she commits a crime. 


    Actually, California is a sanctuary state now, so that sex offender who is also here illegally is untouchable. There is no end to the insanity.

    That person does not respect this country laws. What reason is there to not become legalized. There is none. From what i see ,California has lost alot of hospitals because of illegal immigrants medical needs. So sure let whoever wants to come over just come over , just keep it in California please.

    If a legal refugee comes through the front door of Aussie to become an Aussie,then that is good and right..if he comes through the back door.then he takes the place of a refugee sitting in a camp waiting for his chance to be legally accepted into a cold and callous as it SEEMS to the illegal person,,the legal person that gets his chance from one of the camps to have a real and prosperous life,,,would be on bended knee kissing your hand with from them eyes,,yes Bob,,report him or her..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..


    I appreciate your perspective, and that you didn't turn it back on me.
    But, take others out of the equation. The person is here illegally. Now what?
    terryfossil 1

    You have answered your own question Bob,,he is illegal and by not reporting him,you are become legal by reporting him..Report him,,as for now what,,it is no longer in your hands,,and if he has a good case,maybe the officials may smile on him..>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<..

    But, but, but.....
    Thank you for the objective opinion, Terry!

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