    Do you all celebrate Father's Day, and if so, did you have a good one yesterday?

    Happy Father's Day to all the dads. 

    +4  Views: 1617 Answers: 3 Posted: 10 years ago

    3 Answers

    yes & yes !

    And I'll be voting yes in September.

    Life now seems to be a lot of yes>>>>sssss

    I told my roommate happy father’s day and he said, “Ba Humbug”.  He is lacking in fatherly skills…...


    Does he have children?

    Yes, Bob. Two. I’ll tell you about them…...

    When my dad was living, yes, we would go out to dinner....which is what he liked. He wasn't big on gift getting.

    Two of my sons are fathers now.  One spent the day with his girlfriend and her family and Father's Day celebrating.  I don't really know what the other one did.  All three of them had "breakfast" (burritos, root beer floats, birthday cake for the youngest son, whose birthday was the day before) with their father ad Mrs. Wonderful on Sunday morning.

    I spent a few moments with my youngest son, giving him his birthday present, then went to church and hung around the house, waiting for my middle son to come by so I could see how cute his son looked in his "Our first Father's Day" outfit. After seeing them, I went to a local casino and spent 6 hours spending exactly what I'd planned to spend....took a LOT longer than I thought it would.  :D 

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