    Can anyone tell me where to get a good price on a starting module or so I'm told its called for a 94 Geo Tracker and if its something I could and should do myself and if suggested, directions how or where to find directions. Part 2 of my question is if anyone in the NJ area is looking to sell a Geo Tracker now or in the near future to please let me know.

    I'm forced to seek this round since my car being at the mechanics for two weeks now and me still being told that he is unable to find the part the car needs which shocks and surprises me due to the internet and I so need my baby back. And yes, I love Geo Trackers and am on my fourth one and will unfortunately might be looking into purchasing another one if anyone is selling since it just since smarter and cheaper for me to just have a parts car if i'm going to keep with buying Geo Trackers or Suzuki Sidekick if someone is selling one of them either now or in the near future. If so, let me know. And keep in mind I live In NJ (south jersey to be precise) and my soon to be wife probably will so not support me driving me more then a few hours to pick up, just so you know. OK, Thank You much for reading and any and all help and support.

    0  Views: 1747 Answers: 1 Posted: 11 years ago

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