    What could you NOT DO, even for a million dollars?

    I could NOT wash windows on a high rise building!

    +12  Views: 1928 Answers: 30 Posted: 12 years ago
    lee boi

    im confussed

    30 Answers

    Hurt my cat.


    Give away a million dollars.


    Wooo Hoooo!

    how about two?

    I could not spend a few hours in a busy shopping centre naked.


    Because...? lol

    It would be soooo embarrassing.

    Even for a million???

    I could not spend a few MINUTES..... LOL GREAT ANSWER pythonlover.

    Ok Bob, you just dance topless on the table when you,re alone?? shameful

    Who said I was alone? Just cuz you all weren't there.............:D

    Aaww, ok then, private Ehhh?

    I would! I have a friend whose naked photograph hung in our local coffee shop. (Not in my current town) She was photographed from the side and she put her head on her knees and her knees were bent. (OMG... that’s not good detail and I’m rushing off here)
    Anyhoo ... nothing really showed except her side and her long hair draped over her face.
    Except one thing: Her GRANDMOTHER’S engagement ring!!!!
    Grandpa took coffee in that place.
    I would sit like that in a busy shopping mall for a million. You bet!

    Thousands of "people" do it on internet for free.
    I would do it for much less than one million if there would be a guarranty that I would not end up in jail because this.

    How long does it take a python to shed its skin?

    Give up any of my animals

    never hurt my Animals or sell them for a million dollars

    Do the dishes.


    Not even once for a mil???

    Never ! It would destroy my macho disposition.

    I,ll come and do them for you,kid on it was you wot dun em,50/50 no probs.

    You eating off paper and plastic or does some poor schmuck wash dishes for you?

    The latter. But THIS poor schmuck takes out the trash and clears the snow off the driveway.
    NOW... what do you have to say ?

    Sounds like you get the better deal. The snow doesn't last forever and the trash doesn't HAVE to go out every day. Of course, if there's an automatic dishwasher, the playing field is leveled a little more. long as both schmucks are OK with the arrangement! :D

    It sounds like you're high maintenance ;-)

    Oh, hardly; possibly to the opposite extreme, along with non-confrontational. I'd most likely be helping with the snow shoveling and taking out the trash as well. It doesn't affect being feminine any more than an occasional bubble bath negates masculinity. OCCASIONAL...

    Would not turn down the chance to see my son again.............

    In addition to most of the above (I'm OK doing the dishes), I WOULD NOT INTENTIONALLY HURT ANYONE (by thought, word, or action).  Sadly, sometimes I do this "for free".


    Is it possible to clone you and send the copy to Fresno??? I like spaghetti.

    Renounce Jesus.


    that was my answer as well, not all the gold on earth..
    ed shank

    I hear ya brother.
    terryfossil 1

    Great answer

    I,ll try to be polite here but to do something regarding " homosexuality " , or murder someone would be my only two reasons ( I think ? ).


    Well bouncing off you what you said, I would not change my sexuality either. I couldn't anyway. Money is not worth being miserable.

    Wouldn,t even try to tempt you Ms C,everyone to their own as they shhhhh, seen ur email????
    terryfossil 1

    In the past murder was a certain possibility Romos,,but the Homosex,,Not a snowballs chance in hell..>>>>>><<<<<<<<

    If it is like the Amazing Race challenges... eating disgusting things in countries that don't take bacteria as seriously as I do. 


    I am a 'thrower-upper' ... I just think about disgusting things and well lets not go there.

    OK so who do I get the Mil from for washing the dishes or spending a few secs nude in a shopping center?  Who will take care of my cat for the 3 days I am being evaluated in a psychiatric facility after    being nude in the shopping center?  My state requires a 3 day stay after attempting to hurt yourself or someone else ( The sight of me might cause harm-LOL)


    Caring is sharing! You've got it! As long as you tell the psych ward Im fun crazy!

    I'll watch the cat for $250,000. I'll bring a record player and some old 45's to the psych ward and you can have a party.....

    Umbriel you have some competition! Bob's ans. is ahead. Now, a party in a psych ward would be fun!

    Make fun at our "MODS" (Then again they would do it to "Me") Thinks Hmmm still Thinking.


    Glad its you .Not "ME" Heee

    You mean you would not stop making fun of the mods for a million, right? ;)

    Your a mind reader Colleen .But no kidding you do great work keeping this site clean thank you.have a great Christmas with your two little Troopers.

    think I could do just about anything not involving hurting anything or anyone, too old to be embarrassed , so could probably do a quick streak, guarantee that would give people a few laughs,


    I'd stand and cheer.

    Me, too. Stand and cheer.

    Chastise my grand kids. Whatever they do,I just can't get mad at them.


    I know how it is. I actually never felt any anger toward my daughter until she turned about 15.

    Be on a game show handling mice/rats.


    That wouldnt bother me at all,id enjoy handling the rats, but,put me in a room with birds flying about and id panic.I wouldnt want to hurt them but thatd freak me out.Incidentallyi feed the wild birds...Just dont want them too close

    I would not like to be surrounded by poisonous snakes!

    mice, rats, roaches, snakes, frogs, fleas, tics, spiders.......horrible thought, chelleanne.

    I would handle any of them except one. That one I can't even look at.
    I had a rat as our mascot when I was student teaching a preschool class.
    I had a microphone around my neck and the parents could watch the class through a one-way glass. That was kind of like a game show.

    I could NOT cheat to get the $M, nor Steal, nor LIE, nor break any of the Ten Commandments to simply gain $1M.


    Umbriel, you started it....lots of people don't break those Ten Commandments intentionally; being human and imperfect to begin with, it happens. The point is to not just slough it off with an "oh well, I'm only human"'s to continue to do and be a "better" person. All this has to do with the faith of the person who is talking about the 10Cs. This doesn't apply to everyone, and I am well aware of that.

    yes Bob is right AND he needs to get out more!

    Love you more.


    <3 <3 <3 <3

    Walk your significant other over to the computer and show her this.


    I could not get rid of any of my cats even for a million dollars.....

    Harm my children like so many do, all you hear anymore are parent(s) killing their children or saying someone took them thinking they'll get by with it like CHILD MURDER CASEY ANTHONY!


    Yes it's sad. :(

    I hear a lot more about parents hurting their children. Maybe I’m just seeing it ... or something. Terrible.

    I can't turn a pickle into a cucumber, dang!


    relish the thought-lol

    " I just happen to have a $million dollars & then some, due to hard work & us-in my brain !" " But none the less I could never sell out my beloved (U.S OF A. ) !!!!


    Oh dear, dear PANDA...I'm soooooo broke! Do you need my address? hahaha

    I would not touch or come even close to the animal that I’m oh so phobic about. I need to research Phobias. I asked my psychiatrist if this terror of my feared animal meant I was crazy and he said “only if it changes the way you live.” It really doesn’t. 

    I see him because he’s the only one who will prescribe Xanax for me. I’ve taken them for twenty years!


    That situation is crazy.

    we all have our phobias!

    Well, let's see.  OK, let's do this.  Deposit the million bucks in my account and I'll inform you the answer.

    lee boi

    lets see what happens

    Chiangmai...NO...You have to play the game right! Answer the question and then we'll see what happens next! lol

    I would not reverse my decision to send all my children to private school and to pay out-of-state college tuition fees, ironically totaling a cool $1 mil. I am sure I could use the money, but no thanks, I would not take the money and give my children a less than par education.

    I'd wash windows on a high rise building, with pleasure. but not for million dollars, otherwise it will infringe the rights of others such as window cleaners

    I could not do anything contrary to morality even for ten millions dollars


    Hi welcome to the site and good answer xx
    II sst

    many thanxx <|:)

    ____ I am stunned

    Yes, welcome to akaQA. I hope you have a lot of fun here. It's a wild and crazy bunch from all over the world.....speaking of which, from where are you joining us?

    Ducka, who could love a face like this?""


    Awww...people can't help what they look like. I think she's kinda cute. :)

    What about from the inside?


    Very good!!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    hmm.... I would not jump out of a 6-story building (or any story building) for a million dollars, or even 10 million dollars.


    Nor would I...yikes!

    Not even, if it's on FIRE???

    Kiss my mother-in-law.


    That's not a nice thing to say! Don't you like her? LOL!!!!

    use my body for money..... thats gross!

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