    unfortunatly our creator only gave us enough I q to be curious about alot of things but not enough to figure out the tough questions; we tend to think of (god) from a very weak humonistic way, but i believe our creator exists in another demention; one that we are not able to fathom

    +2  Views: 1938 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: religion

    5 Answers

    God is spirit. look for Him in the spiritual realm and not physical. He is not seen with naked eyes but is experienced in many forms that may be physical eg smile on a child's face.


    This is a lovely answer.

    Hummm . . . Edwin,

    I beg your indulgence, as this may be somewhat lengthy, although I thank for your honesty and for stimulating the Inward Spirit.  Therefore I will share, as I am able, with you my spiritual journey and such revelations of Spirit I have received.  Which has since been the Changing and Transforming Light that has Inspired my heart, my  mind, and filled my very Life,even in this world of shadows, with Joy!  For I SEE.  Amen 

    For though I have been inspired and have drawn upon the Light of many Spirited works, ancient and modern, it has never been my intention to preach, as of a sermon.  It has only been my wish to share freely, what has been freely  given unto me, intuitively, to Understand.  I represent no particular, creed or tradition, nor denomination, though I am a Christ-Man, accepting all the names of and for God known and unknown, for His only name in the world is represented in Peace and Love.  The Christian Bible is my first Love but Love all of Gods various bibicial works, no matter the tradition, if they teach of Peace the Father and Love the Son.   

    Therefore though I read books,  I hear the Spirit of my brothers residing in such books so full of Spirit.  Thus by such Spiritual Understanding, does God give anyone - so called to hear - the authority of Spirit.   Therefore by such understanding are the true men or seekers  given the Keys to His Divine Mysteries (Subjective, Intuitive).  Thus are they  privy to Gods wisdom, embodied in the Spiritual Riddles or Formulas.  Such parables have been given to sift out the profane and are thus reserved for the true seekers, the true men of God.  For wide is the road and narrow is the Gate, and there be few that enter in    

    Spiritual, is not of "things," such as have names in the literal world of men.  Spiritual will ever remain a riddle to such men; to the mortal mind, the brainy grey matter worldly men erroneously call the mind.   Such men will ever consider them a foolishness, for they transcend mere words..  Never for a moment will the personality; the Pretender accept that there is something greater than itself.  The  Mind of Spirit alone is the Consciousness, Reality, transcending, the ignorance or darkness of worldly men.

    Therefore there are no proofs of such "Spirituality," worldly Men could accept, though they ever cry out for proofs of God, how could they receive it their minds have been closed by dogmatism since day one, of their births.  Even if one should raise those literally dead, yet they would not believe,  The walking dead are those yet ignorant of God within.

    God need not prove Himself to any man.  It is men who must prove thrmselves to God, yet few can hear Intuitively or preceive Subjectively, so caught up in an objective physical world.  Yet God is ever evident, by all "things" objective or material..  Indeed His  "proofs" are all around evident in all that is and is not. 

    Therefore it is by my God given Understanding, that I may search the deeper mystery of God that  I might preceive and hear as I am able the inspirited voices of all such works, Spiritual things are Spiritually descerned, not as of men of the world who are blind to anything beyond the mere, but demanding senses of the world.  It is therefore I am never offended of worldly judgements nor the profane guffaws of Parrots, nor of death itself, for indeed I have already been there and even it is a lie.  Life is Everlasting in God alone and God is indeed the All.

    Heh, Heh yet even after all the former, it couldn't have been better expressed but by our beloved brother Paul, to him I indeed acquiesce (let them hear it who can), though we choose not drag, copy and drop nor proudly pound our chest that we know the numbers of Chapters and verses, as do the profane.  Athough we will encourage you to look up the following; take time each day to "ponder and listen" a little at a time; continue to think about it during your day, (this is the work and the Journey to and of the Intuitive Mind). And may you be received in the Spirit of his words so Godly inspired:  - I Cor. 2:10-16.   For it is thus we are fulfilled in God in the knowinhg.  Amen      




    I would like to congratulate you on the quality of your prose. You have real writing talent, almost a 'Lord of Letters'.

    . . . and to continue . . .Indeed the material world is another dimension; the realm of Illusion, for all things that end are but a dream, it is the valley of the shadow of death, an ending.  Yet it is also the beginning; an awakening to the reality of the Everlastingness of Life.   The body is the shadow; which is but the container of the true Light, LIFE, SPIRIT = GOD.

    To be truly Human is to be Divine.  to be truly Human is to be Spiritually Strong. The expression to be "Humane" describes this Divinity most beautifully, most simply and clearly.  If one is not Humane, one is not Human, just simply the "man" kind of animal without grace.  Yet the worst, for he is the only animal that has been given freewill.   It is thus lessor beings, true animals, are perfect and full of grace, for they can do no wrong.

     To be truly Human is to have a "Conscience" and to act upon it, for this is the inner voice of the Spirit; the True Self not the pretender; the ego of personality..  No Conscience, no Humanity, it isn't human.  The word "Humanity" refers to the Greater Spiritualized body of mankind as a whole.  .Just as the "Celestial" Universe is the Spiritual aspect of the Cosmic or manifest Universe. 

    The Human aspect of man is only limited by his ignorance of God within, which demon-strates ones lack of Human-ness, which is Impiety.  Let them receive it who can, let them hear it who can, now in this time and in this place wherein the shadoows seek for Light, that the mystery of God may be made plain. Amen.  

        .    ,   .  .   


    the bottom line; your answer is very eloquent, and shows a well educated sermon of sorts; how-ever there is-nt any really proof in it that would make me believe that our creator really cares about us as individules; in this demention of life any-ways; may-be when we die we get to know the true meaning of (GOD IS LOVE)

    I Q is a measurement of the world; the world of men.  It falls very neetly into the catagory of "the doctrines and commandments of men" and the world.  Godly consciousness transcends such menial Objective conceptions, for it is Subjectve guided by an Intuitive Mind which is the Mind of Spirit.  This is the Mystery of God that transcends worldy measures,.therefore we may fathom or Know Him personally in depth.  God Bless your question. 

    what if there was no "god" and all was a lie? where would we stand and do you think we go on living with no guidance? why is god love?  I'm  curious to know...... is it bad to believe in something other then god? i am lost for not knowing which religious road i should follow....i have opened up my mind to many things but all the churches and people i have heard said the same thing that "their" religion is the true study of god, but how can i believe that if most bibles i have studied  have been altered to fit their way teaching and words? is religion the truth or is there something more, something missing, something that me condoned? puzzled and confused............ its hard to find answers when your surrounded by young adults who dont care other wise......


    without God there would be no creation! Do u believe that you have been created? if not how did u, a complex machine got into being? He gave humans the intellect. How u use that you can choose. Make a wise choice the is the truth.

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