    do you want a leader who thinks they have to follow the voices they hear from an imaginary god

    +3  Views: 2047 Answers: 16 Posted: 12 years ago
    Tags: religion

    16 Answers

    To hear voices indicates a mental illness.....No i would not want a leader who is Schizophrenic.

    i think the usa has already got a leader who hears voices ....

    I often "hear" music. Guess I shouldn't run for office (yes, I medicate...)

    Didn't George W Bush get daily messages from his god about how to rule the USA?


    Yeah, and he ruined the place. He's a ding a ling.

    You get what you vote for

    Huh! what has all that marlarky got to do with the question Gabilis?" Would you want a leader---oh bugger it you read the question for yourself and answer it not prattle on. You do that in the "Comment this answer" area.

    My answer is NO I would not want a religious nutter as a leader. Our present Prime Minister is a atheist but she is a nutter as well, can`t bloody win.

    Nope! But I would be open and even pray for one who hears from the one true God>>>>>.

    In this country we rarely get a leader in office so most of us don't worry about it.


    bwahaha! Good One Chicklet!! harrrr!

    obama and farakahn, the mothership is circling the earth. What a bunch of quacks.

    Fish Girl -

    Thank you for asking.  :)  I certainly understand your consternation upon re-reading.  (chuckles) ; )  I see I was being much to abtuse, trying to make a point to Peoplelove, by questioning his name sake and refering to him as People . . ."What?"   For I have noted he is oft exactly the oppposite of his user name of  Peoplelove.

    (Very much like one fundamentalist who calls himself Loverofgod and uses a picture of a crucified suffering Jesus on a cross to glorify himself, I will always confront such dogmatic ignorance)

    Nevertheless, you are absolutely right, there are many others indeed who are most perceptive people on this site.  Therefore, my apologies to you and any others who may have been offended.  You will note I have since made remedy.   


    Oh my goodness. It has taken me a year to find this.
    I understand completey and thank you.
    Peace. :)

    If one has not "heard" Spiritually themselves,, how can they know, or how do they dare judge, what it is to hear Spiritually.  And we declare not as literially heard from the parrot in the pulpit, but from within.   Jesus a Man; a son-of-man, declared the Love Spirit; the Christ, and was crucified for daring to speak the truth in a world of lies, a world where there is no truth, where there is not but illusion and endings.  One must listen well before one judges, and then himself be judged.  Karma.   


    I do not want a leader who has schitzophrenia

    That's why George Bush was kicked out at the last election.

    Regarding all questions and answers, there is ever the motive of the inward thought, whether posted  in ignorance, knowledge or Understanding.  Therefore depending on the level of consciousness of the posters which may or will vary greatly.   

    There is more to a question or an answer than literalism.  It has been said, "they have eyes but they cannot see and ears but they cannot hear, what the Spirit sayeth" and  "One cannot sew patches on old clothes nor put new wine in old bottles" just to mention a couple metaphors, regarding fundamentalists.  If you don't know or understand by now in your long life, may it so be in the next.  Amen


    Edgar? Is that you Ed??

    . . . .and again and also - not all persons who hear things are nuts.  Jesus heard alot and had the Love and Courage to share and offer it to us.  For this He was killed by the fundamentalists who contrived His death.  If a Good man, even a President, says he is guided by the voice (understanding) of the Good Spirit then open your hearts and minds, before you judge.

    The great shadow of ignorance and its judgement remains; the hoots, gafaws, of the ignorant and the more sinister growling of the fundamentalists of the world.   Some of whom are most obvious on this site as well. 

    I will rue the day I cannot hear and receive what the Good Spirit choses to speaks through others.  I say let a Good man speak for you will know him by the Good he speaks.  I I could not "hear" I would have missed the Chriast Spirit living in the words of Jesus and in the words of many other Christed men.  Thankfully their Loving Inspired (IN-Spirited) words, in the Now and the Then; ring down through the Ages.

    I say listen openly and fairly that you may hear the Good,  as it is heard within your own hearts.   Let them hear it who can now in this time and in this place, wherein the shadow seeks for the Light.         


    Poor you, I piety you as you are so full of frustration, anger and judgement, you have no depth.  You scate the surface of things, by this you rob yourself, and thus you are devoid of reason, ever demon-strating the sad disease of fundamentalism.  . 


    What!???? I don't get this one.
    Please explain...I have loads of depth and so do a lot of people here...Explain please. I am sure you didn't mean things to come out quite this way.
    Group hug and all that.

    Well, if they are hearing voices, get their hearing aids checked.  But if they are reading such answers from the Bible, then they should be listened to.  God has not had his angels convey any messages since the Bible was completed.  BVecause once that was done, everything we needed to know for now and about a thousand years into the future is wrapped up in the Bible itself.

    It is only when we read, never insert our own personal opinions into the scriptures.  Errors like that are why we now have 48,000 religions all claiming to be Christian, according to the latest Pew Poll.  (Just a few years ago, there were only 38,000.)

    Instead, we need to let the Bible explain itself.  By refering to other sections talking about the same items, we get a correct understanding of the scripture.  These are not voices, but written references.  Such as the various wild beasts of Revelation.  While some think unicorns or dinosaurs, serious people look to Isaiah, Daniel and Ezekiel to see when they referred to wild beasts, they symbolized human governments who effected God's human people.  Then we correctly see in Revelation, those wild beasts are the various human governments through time until today.  Each head is a power.  Each horn represents if it was one government or a dual power like the US and the UK.  They would be a two horned head.

    You are not hearing God with your ears unless someone is reading it to you.

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