    Why don't the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK owners help pay America's debt 14 trillion is only pocket money to these people.

    0  Views: 2237 Answers: 5 Posted: 12 years ago

    The Federal Reserve (FED) is a PRIVATELY OWNED, organization. Unbelievable? Check the ENCYCLOPAEDIA BRITANNICA.
    b. Below is the list of the owners of the 12 Central Banks:
    - Rothschild Bank of London
    - Rothschild Bank of Berlin
    - Lazard Brothers of Paris
    - Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
    - Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
    - Warburg Bank of Hamburg
    - Lehman Brothers of New York
    - Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York
    - Goldman, Schs of New York
    - Chase Manhattan Bank of New York
    In all, there are about 300 VERY POWERFUL, partly foreign individuals that owns the FED

    5 Answers

    Those banks own the government already. Through owning the government, they also own the people. People who are owned become slaves to the rich and powerful. Why would they free the slaves by giving money? 


    Your points are well understood , but,Reptilian &left brain logic have to be moved aside to allow creative energies to flow, remember that we are many and they are few. a slave is only that because he has not taken his freedom

    A slave is only that because he depends on his government to support him. This is the whole point of welfare. Keep as many dependent so they do not rise against the government for fear of losing their livelihood. These people are quite happy giving up their freedom to be supported. The people working do not have the time or the energy to fight the government because they are too busy earning not enough pay to make ends meet.

    Your conclusions are very apparent,but leave out any offering of substitute from the status quo,my original question was a little self indulgent, but was designed to go in search of new ideas,however your comments are most interesting.

    The only substitution would be to remove taxes and take away the welfare system. Do you see that happening ever?

    Its thought provoking!sometimes the possible can be realised from a seemingly impossible train of thought,

    They are there to make money, not to give it away.


    what is wrong with acts of generosity?

    Cucumber, you must be living in fairy-land. Why would they?


    eggplant this is an exercise where creative imagination is called upon and not simple one line trigger responses.the ball has been thrown on the field to be kicked around not for someone to crush all the air out of it

    She gave you an answer. Her answer is valid even if it deflates your need to create a fantasy that will never be. She kicked your ball. It's not her fault if it was not strong enough to withstand the kick.

    My, you are a cranky cucumber aren't you? Having a bad hair day or should I say prickly day? Go and have a good lie down.


    Cucumis metuliferus ? I'm planning on trying it

    Then I succeeded...never mind, next time I eat a cucumber, I'll put mayonaise on it instead of lemon juice.


    eggplant if success for you is concombre avec mayonaise I congratulate you,excellent choice!but hardly inspirational input

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