    What do other drivers do that annoys you most of all in to-days traffic?

    +7  Views: 1093 Answers: 14 Posted: 12 years ago

    Tail gate I hate em.

    14 Answers

         I really get annoyed when other drivers don't use their turn signals-like I'm a doggoned mind-reader!


    Damn I'm to old, Ya beat me by 3 months. Also have seen drivers jerk into another lane then turn their directionals on for a flash or two. Nice.

    They stay in the passing lane slowing traffic behind them.

    When you give some one the right of way ,and they dont acknowledge you.

    Drivers picking thier noses!

    boy racers



    That's the one I hate, tailgaters. My son hates them too. He said he let's them think he's braking by turning his headlights on. Of course the tailights suddenly come on. Then he turns the headlights off until they come close and then he does the same thing.
    I slow down to 25 miles per hour. Usually, they back off and try to pass.

    Braking before indicating

    Bad tempers and texting.  Road ragers would not be so unthoughtful if walking in a park. Would they kick a child out of the way if they were walking too slow? What if a person were walking too slow because their spouse just died, would a road rager yell at them. What is it about a car that removes our feelings for others?


    I'll have to try the "lights tactic". I take my foot off the brake even if I'm going 55, and if I have to slow down to a complete stop, so be it. Better to hit me at 5 mph than 55! These idiots are in a big hurry going nowhere. Sometimes they weave in & out of traffic, tailgate, and you catch up to them at the light (lol). A driver can also slam on the brakes for no apparent reason. I was in NJ recently (RT 80) and there is a special no. to call the police for aggressive drivers. I wonder if any other states have them.

    Tailgating would have to be the worse for me,but also people talking on the cell phones people trying to eat while driving and women trying to put their makeup on while driving and people driving with their pets on their laps is right up there.And  people doing the gangster lean where they can't even see out the windshield is another torn in my side.


    Just saw another thing that drove me nuts. We have a busy street nearby with parking lots on both sides of the street behind the stores. Some idiot drives halfway down the street but on the sidewalk, leaves the car with its hazard lights flashing and disappears for at least 1/2 hr. I saw him leave, backing up about 200', and then onto the street. He passed several stores in so doing. First of all, one's vision is a fraction of what it is going forward. Second, few if any people are conditioned to look both ways for a vehicle when on the sidewalk/leaving a store. With this in mind, someone could've walked right into its path.  I have a 3 year-old. Now I'll have to teach him to look both ways when walking on the sidewalk.  Last, a visually impaired person should feel safe when on the sidewalk, and not have to worry about vehicular traffic. I was just aching for a cop to come by. Didn't happen.

    Here's another one that drives me nuts: In parking lots, people pulling into  parking spaces front first. When they come out , SURPRISE! There is a van or s.u.v. there and they can't freakin' see, yet they just back out without even honking the horn (as if to say, If I hit SOMEONE or ANOTHER VEHICLE,so what). Some of these idiots even have passengers in the vehicles. You'd think that maybe one can serve as a lookout (DUH). No; that would require a modicum of intelligence. I, for one, ALWAYS back in because I cannot turn my head 180 degrees. Can anybody out there turn his/her head 180?Also, the vehicle that is there next to you when you pull in might not be there when you pull out, and your visibility can be even worse..

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