
    Now many are lurking and not posting because there's no good or interesting questions to answer. Maybe we can at least say hi or have a conversation here(?)

    Make that Regular, lol

    +11  Views: 3487 Answers: 40 Posted: 13 years ago
    country bumpkin

    At what point are we considered a regular member? I've only been at this 2 or 3 months.

    Geez, I just saw your comment wayyyy up here. You are a regular. Anyone (in my opinion) who shows up near daily for over 3 weeks is a regular. Let loose your excitement! LOL

    Colleen . how about another update roll call, i have noticed missing regulars over the last month or so, and maybe please as half the time, i not sure i am talking to a male or female, as answers can differ according to gender, thanking you Kent.

    The developers are going to add a gender option for profile pages to help out this knowing who is male or female. Some members have left but others are taking some time off. This thread has bounced up a few times today and some have answered it. You can post one if you want to. This does not need to be something only I can do ;)

    40 Answers (1-30 Displayed)

    I'm here, but haven't been real regular

    Oh, I'm sorry. Are you taking anything for it? ;)
    Headless Man

    Prune juice, an old mans best friend.

    Ick. I gag on prune juice. I think I'd go with the yogurt and fiber like leeroy suggested.
    Headless Man

    Once I got used to it, I kind of like it.
    Spaceghost present and accounted for. LOL.

    Hey SG! Good to see you!! Thanks for checking in! Sometimes I do wonder who is actually here with me because it can get so quiet with the lack of good questions :)

    You're so welcome Colleen, great to see you too.
    Sorry to be late, but on time to join in on the fun. Hello, I hope everybody is doing well. I come here everyday and it feels good to let someone know that you care and I'm here!
    I AM TARDY.... I was here a while ago but it was quiet... Now I see I missed the party.... I am going to do the boo hooo dance.... Colleen stay safe!

    Did you see the video on the tornado? I just added it to my earlier post. I know right where it was hitting. Had I been out on the highway (which I'm only a mile away from) I would have been able to see it in the sky, that's how close to was to me.

    Don't worry about missing the party, it didn't last long ;)

    Good grief... The footage of it over the water is horrifying... I am glad you couldnt see it. That was a bad one! Find a closet and your laptop and camp out tonight.

    Everything is calm here tonight. I know earlier, around the time the tornado hit Ma, my sky went eerily yellow. I started watching my own sky for a tornado but even though it was windy, the wind never picked up speed to an unusual rate and I only saw a shot bust of rain drops.

    Glad to here it... We have been getting hit with them quite regularly latelty... We can ride down the street and it look ed roads popped up out of nowhere where the tornado cuts huge rows out of trees and fields.
    Sorry to have missed all the fun. I am in bed by 7 p.m. EST because my lovely critters get me up by 3-4 a.m.

    I realized by all your posts Colleen that you are a little bit south of me by one State. Glad to know you are a neighbor!

    Also glad to know you are OK and the big winds didn't get you. We had about 5 minutes of rain and the rest went either north or south of us. Mt. Kearsarge breaks up most storms coming from the west, they go south to Concord and north to Laconia, leaving the Franklin-Sanbornton area dry as a bone. Looks like we'll be having another dry summer here.

    Well hello right back at you neighbor. I grew up in NH so I know all the towns you mentioned :)

    Cool beans C! I grew up in Franklin and when we got married (he's from Concord) we decided to move to someplace quiet (obviously not Concord) and here we are. I've lived in Woburn, Reading and Stoneham for a while, during a previous lifetime with another person, but made my way home after 3 agonizing years.

    I lived in Tilton for about 2 years, this was about 20 years ago now so I know Franklin :)

    How about that, maybe I even passed by you in the grocery store.
    not sure if I should be considered a Regular member but I'm here

    Well, I was going to say original, or older or senior but none of those sounded right and the last two sound insulting, lol

    You're a regular to me, you've been here since pretty much the beginning :)
    I'm here, but it's not beddy bye time yet. It's only 3:39 PM.

    It's 1:40 am here. Still hours to go before it's my bedtime.

    The tornados haven't carried you away?

    No but today's high winds may.

    High winds are scary. I don't think I'd ever lose the roof. The tiles are hard to pull off, even thieves can't pull them off. Heh, heh.

    *waves* Hi :)
    I'm checking in... 10-8

    Flip on duty! Keep after the silly ones Flip. Have a great day, I'm off to bed :)

    Dang ... Its time to get up :o)
    Peolpelover reporting for duty Mam. Yes Mam No Mam Three bags full Mam.

    Sitting to attention Mam, in front of my computor Mam. Your wish is my command Mam.

    If you mam me one more time, I'm gonna cyber slap you.

    Hi (((PL)))


    OK, what's pplm?

    Hi by the way :)
    12 views and one responder. Let's include the lurkers and newbies! Come on out and say hi! Let us get to know you!!

    Check out was just featured on 60 Minutes.

    May be a good reference source for the homework questions.

    See what you think, if you have the time/interest.

    Thank, I will check it out. I'm, always looking for places to send people.
    im here mentaly not physically

    Yes,I know, just like I'm not really talking when I type lol

    Glad you're mentally here though. :)
    I'm here too. Hello Colleen and everyone else. How are you all doing? We were supposed to have gotten hit by a tornado today but it bypassed us and hit Connecticut instead. Unfortunately I heard that some people were killed.

    Actually they just missed CT by only a few miles. There were (latest report)5 tornadoes between western Springfield MA and Westfield MA. So far the count remains at 4 dead which is a relief for having 5 tornadoes, though I am sorry for the ones who died and my sympathies to their families and friends. I live only 12 miles from where the closest one to me touched down. I got little wind and scant rain from the storm though. A lot of thunder and lightening but all of it north of me. I was lucky.
    Ms Sinclair

    Sorry. That's what somebody at work told me. I found out afterwards that it was MA.
    always a different time zone I am a sleep when you are awake visa versa
    G'DAY COLLEN -- bulletman from oz back on line. 7.50pm thurs.

    G'day Aussie! I'm on my way to bed. Good to see you here :) Have a good night!

    you too, i sign in and every body logs off.
    Me too, I think fiber and yogurt work the best though. Hi everybody....
    Headless Man

    I do that to, it's all the legal drugs I
    Life is

    Thanks for reminding me, pain reliever, anti inflammatory, and muscle relaxer time, after dinner... I have been dealing with a work accident, and workman's comp. Some of those pain pills will back you up though! Here we are talking about bowel movements again, I know I'm getting old now, lol.

    I'm only in my 40's...

    One needs to take a pain pill just when dealing with workman's comp. They can be a pain at times.

    Huge pain... Any insurance company I've ever had to deal with has been when they are supposed to pay, especially them though.

    Remember and keep it in your head, there is a camera on you at all times when you're out in public just waiting for you to do something that you shouldn't be able to do with your injury.

    I was out of work due to a rotator cuff injury. I went out one day to mow my lawn. I have a self propelled mower with electric start. I only had to walk behind it and turn it. I used only my good arm/shoulder to turn it. I never had to use my bad shoulder for any part of what I was doing. 4 days later I got a letter in the mail telling me they had me on video pushing and pulling the lawn mower all over the yard and dragging it around with both hands so they were stopping my disability payments and sending me back to work. I fought it and won on two counts. One, it was clear in the video I never used my shoulder and two, my job was a truck driver, not a lawn mower using a self propelled mower. The judge said workman comp hires cheesy outfits who take crappy pictures and videos and try to scare people into agreeing to stop claiming disability. I know the letter I got, bordered greatly on being a threatening letter. It actually ticked me off.

    Thanks Colleen, very good advice and from experience, I appreciate that...
    I have to ask : Is peoplelover a man or a women? :)))

    He's a man. LOL

    Double H I can be anything you want me to be. Don`t worry about those dangely bits, they are only for decoration.

    I sacked the decorater by the way.

    Hey PL :) ooo wait , we live in the same country :D let's celebrate !! which state by the way?

    By the way , you do not want me to imagine you as anything..... ;) -----> :O
    Darn it!!! I just heard on my news that Sarah Palin's bus passed through my state today on it's way to Boston. She was aboard the bus and got off when they stopped at a Sunocco station here. I have soft tomatoes in my fridge too............

    colleen ... so sorry. you missed your chance. it won't happen again. you could chase the bus?
    what if ... what if ... what if she's president.
    or trump!

    She will NEVER be president and Trump is not running (thank gawd).
    Update on the tornado in my area. There are now 2 confirmed that touched down. They are checking to see if there were more. The second one was only 20 minutes (drive time) from me. Some residents of my town actually saw the tornado form in the sky over the town it touched down in. The pictures on the news show quite a mess there. Wow, this was close for me. o.0
    I just heard a town one hour north of me got hit with a tornado a few hours ago. So far I know it tore the roof off the high school. I got just the out skirts of that storm so I only heard the thunder, saw a bit of lightening and got a few rain drops though my sky did look a bit eerie at one point and I did wonder if there would be a tornado here. Just as I said last year, this years weather is going to be off the board all over the world.

    The U.S is getting hammered in just about every state with severe weather. All though I love to watch it, I don't like to see people injured or homeless. I am glad you missed the worse of it.
    Oh yeah, FF is present tonight :)


    Thanks FF :)

    All of the meteorologist are saying that we have not had on average any more or any stronger tornados this year.. they are just hitting in more populated areas.

    I don't believe that.
    OF Course Me :D

    Hi everyone :)
    seems like these tornodos are a daily phenominom lately

    Yes it does.
    I've noticed today if you have a higher karma score, your answer will post above people with lower karma and the same number of votes.

    So you karma will get your answer a higher up on the page.

    I think it only does that if you post on the same day.

    You will go below a person with less karma who answered yesterday or days before your answer.

    I cleaned it up a little yes, that was confusing, hope this helped?


    Well don't that all sound confusing. I've not had any time here today really to see how it's all working. Busy day for me today. Will have to check into this change later so I can understand it.

    I cleaned up the last comment, made it easier to understand, I hope.
    Headless Man

    I see because you have more Karma than me your on top, that don't sound

    It's going to wreak havoc on debates. Nothing will be in order. Nothing will make sense.

    It only sound right if you have more karma than the other guy, lol. Yes good point as usual Colleen! It's much better being listed in chronological order than karma points.

    Seems to me they might be trying to gear away from long discussions/debates. I guess they're going for simple answers with one of them being picked as the best answer. The same idea as yahoo answers and wiki answers. Just give an answer and move along. No arguments.
    Hello dh! :) Check the link to the video up there and see how close I came to being Dorothy yesterday, lol. That tornado was only 25 minutes (12 miles) away from where I live.

    Wow, 12 miles from where you live, that's awesomely scary :O
    You Americans are always struck by tornadoes, twisters and stuff whenever i check the news. GLAD to know your okay, we cannot afford to lose you :) Watch Out carefully and be prepared, you never know when it comes back, good luck! :)
    i'd be packing my laptop and ice-cream if i were you and run away :O

    The USA is getting hit this year for sure. The count for yesterday in the western Springfield area is now at 4 tornadoes, that touched down during the storm. The tornado in the video I posted is the one that touched down closest to me. This is not usual for my slice of the country.

    All's quiet now, lol. No need to run. I just know for sure now, when my sky turns eerily yellow like it did yesterday, it means tornadoes are possible if not inevitable. I've never in my life seen the sky look like that.

    It's strange how this year suddenly tornadoes are hitting more populated areas? I wonder if HARP has anything to do with it?

    It may be a result of the earth's axis being shifted? Any theories?

    I believe HARP has everything to do with it.

    It's windy as heck here today and last nights forecast did not call for this. I have tree limbs coming down left and right. Had one break and drop right next to me while I was out back picking up the ones that were already down. I'm not going into my backyard again until this wind is gone. I have 3 limbs hanging that I'm going to have to figure out how to get all the way down.

    Oh please do! I would LOVE to see them! I still need to post the pictures of the baby finches I had right outside my from door.

    have you heard the song "red tail hawk" folk singer, northern california, died of leukemia at about age 33.

    Yes I did, lol
    Does anyone know why if you post a comment it doesn't go to the bottom of the list now?

    What do you mean goes to the bottom of the list?
    Headless Man

    Well like this one is on the bottom of the list, until it gets a vote.
    But I have had several end up in the middle of the comments today. W/ON Votes.

    check out the answer below.

    The answer is now above.

    Seven months later, the answer magically appears smack dab in the middle. : )
    Colleen, I think you're right, but this will make the site less user friendly. The discussions is what make the site so much more personal. It becomes sterile when you only give a simple answer and don't socialize with other members. If they are going for that they should add a chat option or something?

    I've mentioned a chat option a few times to them and what I got back was basically "it's something to think about but further down the road." I don't think they're overly interested in the idea(?)

    That's always the problem with any small business, there are so many good or great suggestions that the little guys and gals suggest. But the head huancho's never seem to listen.

    If they would take the advice of the members they would have the best site online. They just have a cookie cutter idea of what a q and a site should be. It's a shame they could have something so much better and different than all the other sites out there. What a shame, what a shame.
    Yes Mam. $#_&@#_^&)$# that bloody hurt, you didn`t have to slap me so hard I am going to tell on you, so there. Colleen`s in trouble, Colleen`s in trouble, nah nah da nah da. xx

    My mother would laugh at you.

    You go to bed RIGHT NOW, Iam older than you so do as you are told. Don`t bloody look at me like that , do you want me to come over there and kick your arse? Very funny. I said Kick not Lick. Cheeky girl "Oh yes please, I would like my ass licked" Nighty night don`t let the bed bugs bite (or lick). It is 4.53 pm in The Great South Land tomorrow for you.

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