    what does calcium do in human body

    +1  Views: 1934 Answers: 5 Posted: 10 years ago

    5 Answers

    It maintains strong teeth and bones. Read more here:

    Not enough for me apparently……….

    too much calcium is not a good thing. I've been told by doctors and dentists that I have calcium deposits in my breasts, and in my root canals. A specialist dentist got  1/2 way thru my root canal and said he could'nt finish, b/c there's too much hardened calcium in there. I then refused the next root canal job ( on another tooth ) and haven't had a problem with either teeth. So , maybe we don't need root canals.

    You will die early without it.

    Humans may be exposed to cesium by breathing, drinking or eating. In air the levels of cesium are generally low, but radioactive cesium has been detected at some level in surface water and in many types of foods.

    The amount of cesium in foods and drinks depends upon the emission of radioactive cesium through nuclear power plants, mainly through accidents. These accidents have not occurred since the Chernobyl disaster in 1986. People that work in the nuclear power industry may be exposed to higher levels of cesium, but many precautionary measurements can be taken to prevent this.

    So if you using this directly be careful with use it in proper way that mentioned in SDS given with chemicals  by authorizations as  "International Chemical Safety Data Solution"


    Calcium, not cesium

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