    prepare an organization chart

    0  Views: 1451 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

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      Start your organization chart with yourself, as you will be most familiar with your own place in the company. Place your name, department, and official title on the chart.


      Place all your co-workers on the same level as you on your chart. Write their names, departments, and official titles, as well as what they do, if the title is not descriptive. Connect your names with a horizontal line indicating that you work together.


      Indicate the next level up or down from you. If you're close to the top of the organization, fill in everyone above you; and if you're toward the bottom, fill in everyone below you.


      Write in your direct supervisor and connect your name to theirs with a vertical line, and then fill in their co-workers and connect them to your supervisor with a horizontal line. Repeat this all the way to the top. Make sure to fill in everyone that is supervised by the co-workers of your supervisor, even though you aren't directly connected to them. Repeat the process until the chart is complete.


      Make sure you haven't missed anyone in nontraditional parts of the chain of command that may not be directly connected to it. Pass it around for others to double-check its accuracy before finalizing the chart.

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    Preparing and organizational chart is much a work of skills as well as patience and effective data visualization,which I found online on

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