    What are the reasons of heart transplant and how to prevent it?

    What are the reasons of heart transplant and how to prevent it?

    0  Views: 1505 Answers: 2 Posted: 10 years ago

    2 Answers

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    There are two main reasons for heart transplant surgery such as cardiomyopathy (68 percent) and coronary heart disease (32 percent).

    In cardiomyopathy disease the heart muscle get weaken or stiffen and there is only one option left for the patient to cure it and that is heart transplant.

    Whereas, in coronary heart disease, the blood vessels leading to the heart get block or narrowed. To prevent such condition there are several treatment such as medication, catheter-based treatments, coronary artery bypass surgery and laser-assisted treatment available. However, at the end stage, a heart transplant may be seen as the only option for extending life. For complete understanding of the causes and effects of these diseases, you can see Justsavelives heart transplant clinic information section and read the professional articles for it.

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