    Did you know that the universe could grind to a halt at any time? That's according to a new theory.

    People often say that time speeds up as we age, but if the latest scientific theory is true the opposite could well be the case.

    The radical theory by academics suggests that time itself could be slowing down – and may eventually grind to a halt altogether.

    The latest mind-bending findings – put forward by researchers working at two Spanish universities – proposes that we have all been fooled into thinking the universe is expanding.


    +4  Views: 1962 Answers: 6 Posted: 11 years ago
    Tags: space

    6 Answers

    There is always some cheerful Doomsday person to predict the end of days. Here we go again!

    When time goes slower at my house, I need to change the batteries in the clock. 

    In my part of the world it did already..

    They are wrong - as usual.

    My day started off well enough, thanks for the

    kinda it says it in the bible lol so yeah we bible beaters down here in alabama know what we are talkin bout! lolz XD i dont care who you are thats funny right there :)

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